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Gemma's POV

I groaned loudly catching Juliet's attention "what is it?" She asked putting her phone down as I did the same "Caleb is so fucking annoying. He texts me and tells he wants to have sex all the time. I understand that he wants sex, I do too but now it's like we do nothing other than just fuck"

She listened carefully and stayed quiet for a little to see if I want to say something else "it's like, I wanna commit but he's making it so hard when he doesn't even act like my boyfriend. He acts like one when he sees someone hit on me because he thinks he 'owns' me but I honestly fucking hate that. I wanna be owned trust me but he just likes claiming me as his girlfriend when he acts like I don't exist half of the time"

She nodded her head as she moved closer to me "like it's so frustrating sometimes" I said rubbing my forehead as I felt tears leave my eye.

I felt Juliet place her hand on my thigh and gently rub it "I know" she said and pulled me into a hug. She so gently scratched my head as she placed her chin on top of my head "it's okay to feel frustrated. He seems like a very frustrating man to deal with and as much as I hate your relationship with him.."

I laughed at what she said as she continued to talk "..talk to him, try to communicate and tell him what's bothering you. At least that's what I want my girlfriend to do if I ever made it hard for her or frustrating"

I looked up at her and she smiled as she rubbed my cheek softly with her thumb to wipe away my tears "I find it hard to believe that anyone would find you frustrating in a relationship. You're so perfect" I said backing away from her chest.

She laughed "or there is another solution.." I frowned my eyebrows and waited for her to say it. She bit her bottom lip gently and moved her face closer to mine "..you can leave his ass and I'll take you on a date, I'll treat you like a princess" she said making me roll my eyes and push her back jokingly making her laugh.

I never know when she's joking or not. She always does this when I'm upset. She tries to lighten up the mood with her amazing sense of humor.

"I don't know why I thought of that but do you play guitar?" She looked up from her phone and squinted her eyes at me, something she always does.

It's cute, it makes me laugh.

"How did you know?" She asked. I gasped "oh my god you do play guitar" She smiled and lifted her head up trying to look as proud as possible of herself "what can I say? I'm a woman of many talents"

"Many talents? What else is there?"I asked genuinely interested "I play piano, I skateboard, I draw and before you say anything I am actually good at it.." she said and I nodded closing my mouth since I actually wanted to know if she was good or she just said she draws because she can hold a pencil and draw a happy face.

"..I also know how to play football and handball" she said smiling at me "woah. All I can do is dance like literally that's all I can do"

"I feel like you're the type of person to say that but you actually can learn things, you just never tried" she said and I shrugged "maybe"

"Can you bring your guitar sometime?" She smiled and nodded her head "of course I can. Anything for you, stranger"


"I forgot to ask you, do you sing when you play guitar or do you just play guitar?" I asked. Juliet laughed and laid her head on my lap "not really"

"I mean are singers actually singers or are they just singing songs?" She asked. She's so fucking high nothing is making sense right now but it's funny.

"What the fuck?" I said laughing at what she said as I looked down at her "you're so high" I added as I started playing with her hair gently "I know but that's a valid question-" I cut her off shaking my head "no it's not. Singers are people who sing songs. What are you even trying to say?"

She shrugged "I mean not all of them. Some of them are bad" she said and I nodded "and we call those bad singers" I said.

She frowned her eyebrows and squinted her eyes "that doesn't make any sense" she said as if what she said made any fucking sense but she's honestly giving me a good laugh.

We went on for 15 minutes. I tried to tell her how what she said didn't make any sense but she just kept adding non-sense over the non-sense she said first and it was so frustrating but in a funny way.

"Just close your eyes and sleep" I said covering her eyes with my hand making her giggle in a stupidly cute way "you are frustrating me" I added laughing a little.

"But I just-" I placed my other hand over her mouth and she laughed then I felt her lick my palm making me remove my hand from both her mouth and eyes "ew Juliet" I said wiping my hand on her pants making her laugh again.

"I love annoying you" she said looking up into my eyes "and I really fucking hate it"

Hi, stranger // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now