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Gemma's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing like crazy. I tried to ignore it at first but it just kept ringing.

I took it from my nightstand, answering it and putting up to my ear with my eyes still closed "who the fuck is this?" I asked in annoyance.

"It's your beautiful sexy Juliet. Get out of bed and get ready baby" I heard Juliet say "why?" I whined making Juliet laugh "I'm taking you out"

I looked at the time and it was literally 4 in the fucking morning.

"No baby please, I'm so tired" I groaned with my eyes still closed "I know baby. I can stay over after and we'll go right back to sleep" not gonna lie I love sleeping with her and by that I don't mean having sex with her which I also love but I just mean lay next to her on bed and cuddle with her until we fall asleep and wake up still cuddling but in another position.

Life with her is a dream.

"Are you gonna let me lay on top of you until I fall asleep?" I asked. One of my favorite cuddling positions. So cozy.

I heard her laugh a little "anything for you baby. One question though, what are you wearing right now?" I groaned loudly making her laugh "are we seriously gonna have phone sex right now?"

"Wait what?" She asked laughing again "that's how phone sex starts. You ask me what I wear and you tell me to take it off blah blah blah. I wanna sleep" she laughed again and sighed "you make me laugh but no, I seriously just wanna know what you're wearing"

I groaned and just went along with her because my brain isn't properly working yet "your shorts and a bra" I said hugging my pillow "my shorts? When did I give you my shorts?" She asked "no questions asked please. Just tell me what you want"

"Put on a hoodie, some shoes and I'll be right there" she hung up and I just got out of bed and did what she said after washing my face and teeth.

Then I heard someone knock the door. That psychotic woman is that someone. Why 4 in the damn morning?

I opened the door and she laughed "don't laugh. I'm really tired" she shook her head and cupped my face "you look adorable. Like a grumpy baby" she said teasingly and I rolled my eyes "fuck you"

She laughed and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. She took my keys and locked my door before taking me downstairs and opening the door for me.

"No thank you?" She asked as I got in the car "no. Opening the door for me is the least you can do after waking me up this time and not telling me what we're gonna do" she laughed and bent down to peck my lips which made me unintentionally smile "I really hate how I can never stay mad at you or at least act mad" I added.

She laughed and pecked my lips again "I promise it's gonna be worth it"

She closed my door and went to her side "you wanna go to McDonald's then go get some snacks from your favorite gas station?" I turned my head to look at her "are you like gonna kill me? Is that why you want to get me my favorite things?" She laughed and kissed my cheek "do you wanna go or not?" I smiled and nodded "you know I do"


"Okay, can I eat now?" I asked and she shook her head before stopping the car "get out" I groaned and put my head back on the seat "I wanna eat. You're torturing me" I said making her laugh then I felt her kiss my cheek "you're gonna like this mo- I literally was gonna call you mommy accidentally but that's not the point. Just get out the car with the bag of food and everything"

I laughed and nodded. I opened my eyes, took the McDonald's bag and she took the rest.

"Come here" I went towards the trunk and she opened it "it looks really nice here" she parked in the parking lot of a beach which is empty but it is really nice.

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