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Gemma's POV

"Hey, how did things go with Caleb?" Juliet asked as she sat down next to me on the bridge.

"They went okay. We made up though so that's good" I said smiling at her. She laughed "are you serious?" She asked in disbelief.

Was she mad or happy?

"Yeah I am. I went to his house and we talked things through. Everything is fine" she laughed again and stood up, I stood up with her "you can't be fucking serious Gemma"

"I am serious. What's your fucking problem?" I asked her. She let out a breathe "what's my fucking problem?! You went back to someone who threatened to fuck you up, aka fucking hit you and you still went back to him?!"

I stayed quiet knowing she has something else to say "when you said you're gonna go face your problems I thought you were getting rid of them!" She yelled.

"I did get rid of them!" I yelled back frustrated at what she's doing and how she's yelling "no you didn't Gemma! He is the problem. I thought you were gonna break up with him!"

"Well I didn't" she rubbed her forehead and laughed "yeah no fucking shit"

"Why are you yelling at me as if you have a say in this?!" I yelled at her "because he treats you like shit. There is someone out there that can treat you so much better than he does!"

"Like who?! I didn't find anyone that can treat me better than he does!" I yelled "then you're fucking blind!" She yelled back. I didn't say anything and just breathed heavily.

She shook her head "you know what? Do whatever the fuck you want. I'm leaving" she walked away leaving me there just shocked.

I've never even seen her this mad.

I don't know what I want. I was so scared that he would tell my family about me dancing with a girl that closely or some shit but he didn't even care that much and honestly i don't care that much either anymore, he just yelled at me and told me that he doesn't want me to hang out with her and he doesn't want me to even be friends with her.

That's what started an even bigger fight.

—/—(flashback to when Gemma went to talk to Caleb)

"I don't want you to hang out with her. If she does that when you have a boyfriend god knows what else she's gonna do!"

I laughed at his face "Juliet has been there for me more than you. I'm not leaving her and I'm not gonna stop being her friend because she's been through so many things with me. You care about your fucking friends and I care more about mine. I'm not gonna let you take her away from me too!"

"I don't fucking care if you care about her! You're not talking to her and that's final!"

When he does this I usually do what he says because he will not stop but I never cared about any of the people he told me to cut off as much as I care about Juliet.

She's just something else to me. Like she's my better half. Someone that came into my life when I needed them the most and I'm certainly not letting her go this easily.

"No the fuck it's not. Who are you to even control who I talk to?! If you're gonna do that shit and tell me who not to talk to then I'll do the fucking same to you!"

"I'm not gonna fucking listen to what you say!" He yelled stepping closer to me "then I'm not gonna listen to what you say!" I yelled back trying to act as if my heart isn't pounding out of my chest.

I had my fists clenched because I am so angry, I'm literally shaking. He gets on my nerves like no other human being.

If he doesn't accept the fact that I should have the right to do the same things he does to me, then I'm not listening to a single word he says.

I'm done being a coward. I have to stand up for myself.

What if he tells my family that I might like girls? Fuck them we never even got along. They want to disown me? Then be it. I've been relying on myself since I was 13, I wouldn't care if they left anymore.

I used to care so much but they bring me nothing but problems and issues so I have to stop caring about them just like they don't care about me.

It's not like they got me my apartment. It's not like they help me with money, I earn it myself. It's not like they're the ones that made me a saving account when I was a teenager.

They were bad to me so I'll be worse to them.

"You have fucking nerves to say that shit to me!" He stood so close to me and looked down at me "guess I fucking do. I'm not letting you control my life anymore asshole. You don't even love me, you just like controlling me. You like when your friends see me with you because I'm fucking hot isn't that right?" I spoke a little more quietly now.

"Who the fuck says that shit?" He asked laughing in the last part "your home boy. Your ride or die. Your gym bro.." I said making fun of them "..your Tommy boy"

He frowned his eyebrows in confusion "oh wait you didn't know he called me hot and sexy and also sent me a dick pic. Or did you know and just laughed about it because you don't give a shit about me?"

"He did that? Why didn't you tell me?" I felt tears leave my eyes now "because you wouldn't give a shit and don't try to tell me otherwise because I know for a fact that you care about him more than me but I'm not allowed to care about my own friends like you do, why is that?"

He just stayed quiet and didn't say anything. He knows I'm right. He knows that he doesn't care enough to cut of his friend that sent me his dick pic and called me sexy.

He just cares about the friends that I have, the ones that I want to compliment me because I know they don't want to get in my pants and that's it. They compliment me to make me feel better but he takes it too fucking personal and tells me to cut them off.

Fuck him.

—/—(end of flashback)

After hours of fighting, we made up. I don't know how and why. We just made up.

And after all that, Juliet just fights me about problems I have that don't even involve her and leaves.


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