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Gemma's POV

We walked into the house and saw people dancing, drinking, smoking basically everything people do at parties.

The music was loud, the lights kept changing but the vibes are immaculate.

I saw some guy approaching me, Juliet held my waist and pushed me to the side gently as she stood on the side he was coming from.

"Hey sexy-" she placed her hand on his chest and stopped him "don't" he put his hands up in defense "okay okay"

"And you said I was the jealous one?" I asked her. She looked at me "he's drunk. I'm not jealous, I'm just protecting you" she said.

I felt her pull me closer to her as she gripped my waist, walking me somewhere. She seems to know the way around.

"Juliet. You showed up" she smiled at the person and hugged her as she hugged the rest of the people that were standing together.

"Guys this is Gemma" she introduced me to the rest of her friends then I felt a tap on my shoulder making me turn around "Gem oh my god what a surprise" my best friend Jennifer said.

I laughed and hugged her tightly. She's very much a party girl but I didn't expect her here. I knew she was going to a party, just not this one.

"Is this Juliet?" She asked. She's so drunk god please help me.

"Yeah it is" Juliet smiled and shook Jennifer's hand then brought her hand up to her lips kissing it softly making me raise my eyebrows "Ohh such a charmer" Jennifer said looking at me, trying to look for a sign of jealousy.

"It's very nice to meet you..." Juliet paused not knowing her name "Jennifer"

"It's very nice to meet you Jennifer" Juliet said smiling at her "it's very nice to meet you too"

Someone called for Jennifer "as much as I would love to stay, I'm a drunk dancer so I gotta go" Juliet laughed and nodded her head "go do your thing"

Jennifer walked away and I looked at Juliet "what was that about?" I asked her. She smirked and shook her head, leaning down to my level "don't worry about it. You're still my favorite girl"

"Are you two dating?" We turned to look at who asked "yeah you guys look like a couple. Would be a hot one too" some girl said.

Juliet shook her head and took a drink from the table next to me, standing behind me "no. She has a boyfriend" I nodded my head at what she said "I do"

"Too bad" some tall guy said "what why?" I asked laughing. I mean I know my relationship with Caleb sucks but they don't.

"Because being with Juliet is like a fucking dream. I'm gay, I haven't tried it but the way she used to treat her ex girlfriend. Made me hate my life to be honest" he said making me look at Juliet who took a sip from her drink.

She smiled and shrugged "I'm just amazing" she said making me roll my eyes "you guys look like a couple, not even kidding" a girl said making me laugh.

Honestly, Juliet and I act like a couple more than Caleb and I.

She even treats me better than Caleb.

I wouldn't be confused if people kept thinking we were dating. I mean we're matching clothes, we're always close to each other, she flirts with me, sometimes I flirt back, she buys me stuff, she protects me from drunk assholes.

Sounds like wifey material to me.

"Are you listening?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Juliet as she held my waist "sorry, what did you say?"

"Don't apologize. I just wanted to know if you wanna dance. We're all going to dance" she said smiling.

"Sure but anyone wanna take shots first?" I asked making them all cheer as Juliet just laughed, shaking her head in disbelief "you don't wanna take shots with us?" I asked her.

She shook her head "I drank a little but I'm driving home so no more alcohol for me.." she got behind me then wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck making my stomach tingle "..I wanna get you home in one piece, that sounds good to you?" I hummed and nodded my head.

I would feel so guilty if someone did this to me while I am in a relationship with someone other than Caleb. Someone that actually treats me good.

I hate cheaters but guess what? Caleb is one so fuck him, I'll do whatever I want.

We fought about it, months ago but I'm a mentally unstable person so I stayed like the dumbass I am. He said he wouldn't do it again but that doesn't make up for what he already did.

He doesn't let me talk to my guy friends. That man sends me to his room when his friends come over like what the fuck? Who is that man to send me to his room as if I'm a fucking 9 year old girl?

He hit me once. He even broke my phone because he saw me replying to one of my guy friends' story on Instagram.

I talk to a few of my guy friends but when I see them in college. He controls me so much it pisses me off and what makes everything worse is that he actually met them and they were so, extremely polite like they always are. They are actual nice guys but that asshole- god I want to punch him so bad.

We took a couple of shots and went to dance with the others. I was dancing while facing Juliet who was also dancing and keeping her eyes on me and only me.

I got pushed from behind making me almost fall on Juliet but I held her shoulders and she held my waist. I turned to see who it was and it was Max and the others smirking at us.

We both laughed and I looked at Juliet again who just smiled at me. I put my hand on the back of her neck and danced closer to her as she did the same.

Our foreheads rested on one another. We stared into each other's eyes for a bit "you look absolutely gorgeous tonight" she said making me smile "you look good too"

She wrapped her arm around my waist making me arch my back as I wrapped both of my arms around her neck.

Then I heard Caleb's voice yelling my name.

Oh shit.

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