A few minutes later, the bus stopped and you felt Peter shift next to you as he stood up. "Come on, this is our stop." You followed him off the bus and when you had walked just around a corner, there it was. The Avengers Compound.
You felt your stomach twisting and turning with nerves as you walked towards the gate. I mean - you were a total stranger to anyone there but Peter and you looked like you were about to move in. You bit your tongue as Peter typed in the code on a screen next to the gates and they screeched open. He looked back at you. "It'll be alright, okay? I promise."
"I hope so, Pete," you muttered and he led you through the yard which was completely empty.
"I think there's some meeting going on as of the moment," he explained the lack of people.
"Will we walk into it?" you asked nervously.
"No, I think the meeting's for the staff and security," he said, trying to appear confident although you could hear the uncertain undertone.
You two got onto an elevator and it rose up, dinging as you reached the floor you were supposed to and the doors opened. From behind Peter, you could see everyone was there. Or maybe they weren't - you weren't sure. There were so many of the Avengers at this point that you sort of had lost count.
"Hey, Kid," Tony Stark greeted. "You're early."
"Yeah, um," he stammered as he walked out of the elevator, you trailing behind him like a lost puppy. "I brought a friend, I hope that's okay."
You gave them an awkward smile. Tony nodded to you and seemed to glance back at the others. All of them looked skeptical but Mr. Iron Man gave you a chance. "What's your name?" he asked, more curious than anything.
"Y/n. It's nice to meet you," you said, your cheeks burning with embarrassment although you didn't know what could be that embarrassing. Okay, maybe you did. You supposed it was something along the lines of barging in unannounced and uninvited.
"Well then, Y/n, what could we help you with?" Captain America asked, standing up from one of the couches.
You looked at Peter for help since it was his idea. "Well, um," he started. Thunder crackled outside.
"And that's Thor," said Natasha Romanoff. "Is he even supposed to be here today?"
"I don't know," Tony shrugged but went to a door and opened it. You assumed it led to a balcony. The man froze for a second. "What is he doing here?" Tony asked, venom lacing his voice.
"To put it simply, we watched father die, I became King of Asgard and I brought him here because he has something to learn from you guys," an accented voice boomed. Everyone in the room sprung to their feet, instantly on guard, as the two Asgardians stepped into the room. "But do not worry, his powers have been restrained."
While the others looked rather scared, you just stared at the newcomers curiously and they seemed to notice you, too. "Who's the new kid?" Thor asked while Loki was giving everyone in the room glares that clearly made it known that he wanted to be there as little as the others wanted him there. You noticed the enormous shackles around his wrists that weren't connected to each other but definitely had something to do with 'restraining the powers'. They didn't fit his outfit.
"Y/n," you answered instead of Tony, greeting the Asgardians with a nod.
"Are you like the spiderling?" Thor asked, seemingly curious. The others also turned back to you, waiting for the answer.
"Well," you started, taking a deep breath before continuing. You opened your mouth but no words came out. You squeezed your eyes shut, closing your mouth again.

Of Life And Hope
FanfictionFull title: Of Life And Hope (Marvel X OCish Fem! Reader) --- Your life had never been easy as you were shuffled around different orphanages while you claimed fake last names to survive in this world. Why? You didn't know. You just knew you were dif...