The lights suddenly dimmed and FRIDAY's voice could be heard everywhere over the speakers.
"We are under attack. Please evacuate through the nearest exit."
Your eyes widened and the shower was forgotten as you started hearing people stampede through the halls.
"I repeat, we are under attack."
"Oh my goodness," you whispered, staring at your terrified self in the mirror. "I'm gonna die!" You were more serious with that statement than you would've liked to.
A thud was on your wall as someone bumped into it from the outside. That woke you up.
"Okay, okay, okay," you muttered, slapping your cheeks. "Think, Y/n, think. What would the movie heroes do?"
They would evacuate, dumbass!
"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah," you nodded to yourself, making a beeline for the door, your thoughts a mess once again. "Evacuate. Yes."
And then there was darkness.
The power was out and the whole house went eerily quiet.
You could hear your heart pounding in your ears, all the sounds around you - the creaks, the cracks, the squeaks, the panicked people outside - way too loud.
You took a deep breath, calming yourself as you closed your eyes and put your hand on the door handle. I can do this.
You opened the door, your hearing sharp with adrenaline, and listened for any footsteps or sounds that would tell you to back away into your room again.
Once again, you could only hear your own breathing. Okay, okay, okay, your mind whispered. Let's go, let's go.
You took off your shoes, quietly placing them on the ground. That way you would make less noise while walking. Luckily, you had also practiced quiet walking for fun so your feet made no noise as they glided along the floor in only socks.
As you were going down the stairs, you heard a footstep behind you.
You froze, your mind blanking for a split second right before you quickly made the last few steps to go around the next corner.
You stood there, trying to steady your breathing for... for your life, basically.
Your ears caught the sound of a door opening and then curiosity got the best of you and you peered around the corner ever so slightly. You only saw a heel disappear into one of the labs and then nothing, for a long, long time.
It didn't matter how hard you listened or how many minutes you counted to pass, there was still nothing.
Part of you wanted to play the hero and go check it out but the majority of you knew that was stupid and you should book it out of there. Of course, the more sensible side of you won, so as soon as you deemed it safe enough, you made a beeline for the front door and finally exited the building into the cool night air.
You let out a shaky breath, looking behind you at the door as your feet carried you further away from the house. I'm alive! you exclaimed in your head, ready to celebrate.
Then something shone in your face and you froze for the upteenth time during the night.
Though looking straight into the light, you could still see who was behind it.
"Just me, just me," you said quietly, raising your hands as one of Iron Man's blasters was ready to shoot your face off.
"Prove it," he said coldly.
The adrenaline still bumping through you made you bolder than you should've been so you snickered. "Prove it? What kind of thief or burglar or whatever just walks out the front door?"
"She's got a point, Stark," you heard Clint from somewhere in the abyss that was behind the light of the blaster.
I'm also going blind but oh well, you shrugged, still having enough sense left to make you stay still.
The blaster slowly powered down and you blinked rapidly to adjust your watering eyes to the change of lightning. "Oh, I'm alive," you breathed, just staring off to the distance. Then your eyes widened and you looked around, now seeing everyone's faces that you almost didn't recognize - they were now so stone cold and if you add their suits to the mix, it was hard to say that they were the same people you had come to know in the past... three days. Had it really only been three days? [I hope I'm getting this right lol]
"Woo, I'm alive," you said again, smiling this time while clapping a little bit. Your knees were still shaking and your head was pounding but at least your heart was starting to slow down.
"Did you see anyone? Hear anything?" Natasha asked, looking at you suspiciously. She was just being careful so you took no offense in the slight glare.
"Nothing," you said, trying to keep serious. "Well, at first. Someone did go into one of the labs at some point but I don't think they ever exited."
Tony looked at the others, then you, and then the house before uttering one word. "Shit." And then he flew.

Of Life And Hope
FanfictionFull title: Of Life And Hope (Marvel X OCish Fem! Reader) --- Your life had never been easy as you were shuffled around different orphanages while you claimed fake last names to survive in this world. Why? You didn't know. You just knew you were dif...