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"See you at dinner?" you asked.

"Of course," she smiled and left.

You groaned, holding your head. You could feel that it was a mess. I've gotta take a shower.


That night you were laying on your bed, thinking about what happened.

Something had thrown Wanda across the room. Could've it been a force field? Made of, like, a soundwave? Yeah, it probably was one.

What was I feeling? you tried to analyze - being in the dark about what you could do was starting to eat at your nerves.

Pain, pain, pain. Pain was all that you remembered from that moment.

Maybe emotional pain will work, too? you wondered. Alright.

You sat up, crossing your legs and looking at your hands.

After a deep breath, you concentrated on your memories.

All the times you had lost a good friend to your stupid powers.

All the times you had heard people talking about how weird you were in another room.

All the times your friends had talked about things they did or were going to do together while you were there.

You could feel your throat close up a bit with the sadness and you closed your eyes, tears pressing through the tiny crack between your lids onto your lashes.

Then something pulsed through your hands and you opened your eyes with a gasp, staring at your hands, now in fists. You didn't know at which moment you had balled your hands up or at which moment little circular force fields had appeared around your hands.

You laughed with amazement and glee, opening your hands slowly. The force fields expanded and so did the quiet high ringing that came from them as they were completely made of sound.

With your jaw still on the ground, you clapped your hands together. Wind blew into your face and things in your room went against the walls at the force. You shook your hands and as soon as you thought about it, the force fields appeared again. It was so easy now, as if you had intentionally done it for forever.

This time you aimed your fingers towards the other end of the room and the formerly circular fields made a little shield in front of you. You widened your hands and the shield got bigger, the transparent golden glow taking your breath away. You couldn't believe you made that.

You looked at the wall. It seemed as if it was almost... singing. Nothing like the painful scream that had come from the soundwave that you had made while living your nightmare.

It depends on my emotions, you realized. It sounds happier when I'm happier.

You smirked and pushed the wall away from you. It rammed against the wall opposite you and the door leading out of the room rattled a bit.

You laughed before giddily throwing your hands up in the air. "Woo!"

You doubted you would sleep that night.

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