Was being scraped and blistered and bleeding actually fine? You had never seen any of the doctors at HYDRA in that condition but you had never thought about it when you were there because you always had so much to do.
You sighed, closing your eyes. You wished it would all go back to normal and you would wake up back at HYDRA where everything was clear. HYDRA was where you knew your place, your tasks, your purpose.
Everything was so messed up now.
When you woke up again, you were completely unaware of the argument going on right on the other side of your soundproof door.
"I've known her longer," Peter reasoned, "and she already said she didn't want to hurt me."
"I'm her brother," Loki countered.
"She doesn't know that," Peter pointed out.
"She also doesn't know that you're friends."
That's not what I-" Peter cut himself off with a sigh. "Please. I was the last one she saw at both the mission and before Mr. Stark knocked her out."
Loki contemplated it for a second before giving in. It was most probable that you would not harm Peter of all people. "Fine."
"Thank you, Mr. Loki," Peter nodded solemnly. "I'll make sure she's doing okay."
"And I'll be in the control room with the others."
With that, Peter turned around and entered the room, closing the door behind him.
Your muscles tensed but you didn't dare move as you saw someone moving from the corner of your eye.
"Um," Peter stammered, "I brought you food."
Deciding that he wasn't threatening your well-being, you sat up and looked at him. "Where am I?" you asked.
Peter smiled a bit before answering. "You're home."
Your muscles visibly relaxed. You were back at HYDRA so the whole mission thing must've been a test. Then your breath hitched. Does that mean I failed?
"Um," you spoke up hesitantly, "does that mean you're in charge of me?" If he was and you failed, it meant a punishment would soon follow. You really didn't want to think about the extra training.
"I'm- I'm your friend," Peter explained, a bit puzzled.
You nodded. You had heard that term a few times and for all you knew, friends could tell each other what to do so they were basically in charge of each other.
"Alright," you nodded, not touching the food yet as you were in the middle of a conversation, "what's my next task?"
Peter seemed to catch onto something. "What's your name?" he asked.
You, having stood up from the bed a moment before he asked the question, took a step back. Something was off. "Wave."
Peter tried his best to get rid of the tremor in his voice. "And where do you suppose we are right now, Wave?"
You furrowed your brows even further. "You said I'm home."
"You are, but where exactly?" Peter inquired, his heart aching at the situation.
You let out a chuckle, deciding that the boy had no authority over you. He was probably here to only give you food since if he had authority, he wouldn't have looked so unsure in what he was doing. "Did they send you to test me or something?"
"Yes, they did," Peter snapped in a last desperate attempt to understand you, "tell me where we are, Wave."
"HYDRA," you answered simply. Peter took a step back and you noticed it immediately. "What's wrong?"
"I- um- You passed the test." He forced a grin. "I'll go and tell... boss."
"Go ahead," you shrugged, walking to the plate. "Oh, and, what's your name?"
You froze for a second though you didn't know why. When you regained your senses, Peter had left the room.
You brushed it off, not waiting another moment before eating.

Of Life And Hope
FanfictionFull title: Of Life And Hope (Marvel X OCish Fem! Reader) --- Your life had never been easy as you were shuffled around different orphanages while you claimed fake last names to survive in this world. Why? You didn't know. You just knew you were dif...