"Oh, absolutely," you chuckled and stood up, going to put your dishes away in the dishwasher before following her out of the dining room.
"Is Natasha not joining us?" you asked, looking around the training room.
Wanda shook her head. "We first have to figure out what the rest of your powers are and then you can start with combat because it's smarter to learn combat by putting the focus in the areas your powers lack in."
You nodded in understanding. "What do I need to do?"
"Well," she seemed to doubt what she was about to say. "I was thinking your powers would react somehow if I made you live through one of your nightmares."
Your eyes widened but you clenched your jaw and nodded bravely. You were not about to let down the people who took you in randomly and agreed to help you. "If that's what it takes," you said.
"You won't know it's a nightmare, you'll think it's real," she warned.
"Okay," you nodded. "But-" you stammered. "Will I- Will I have to do it more than one time?" You were starting to feel a little panicked. Most of your nightmares were recurring already so there were absolutely no parts in your mind that wanted to live through any of them more than once during the day.
"No, we're having FRIDAY record everything so we can analyze it later," Tony's voice sounded and you looked to your right to see a platform attached to the wall from where the rest of the Avengers were watching. Loki wasn't there, you noticed. It didn't surprise you - the rest were being very mean to him earlier, after all.
"Okay," you nodded shakily.
"You ready?" Wanda asked.
"Can anyone ever be ready to enter a nightmare?" you joked. Wanda gave you a look. You took a deep breath to calm your heart that was starting to pound way faster than it should. "As ready as I'll ever be."
You stood on a rooftop. You didn't know how you got there nor what was going on as of the moment.
You shook your head lightly to clear your senses, feeling as if you had just woken from a deep sleep.
Then you started to hear fighting. You spun around, only to see that Peter was fighting a figure near the edge of the roof. The figure had its back turned to you but you recognized it nonetheless.
It was your adopted brother from the one and only time that you had been adopted, only to be thrown back in the system 8 months later. Lucas had always had something against you for an unknown reason and since Peter always protected you, they got into fights rather often. And you were at fault.
Lucas landed a good punch on Peter's face.
"No!" you yelped, seeing as Lucas was reeling back to deliver another blow that would push Peter off the roof.
You, deep in your heart, knew what was going to happen. But your brain didn't acknowledge that.
You put a hand out, reaching for Peter.
Lucas stepped back.
A deafening soundwave seemed to radiate from you.
It kicked Peter off the roof.
With another yell of desperation, you ran to the edge of the roof and looked down. Peter was nowhere to be found.
With rage, you turned back to face Lucas. After all, hadn't he been fighting Peter, this wouldn't have happened.

Of Life And Hope
FanfictionFull title: Of Life And Hope (Marvel X OCish Fem! Reader) --- Your life had never been easy as you were shuffled around different orphanages while you claimed fake last names to survive in this world. Why? You didn't know. You just knew you were dif...