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After receiving a few 'goodbye's and several smiles from the group, you wove your way through the thinning crowd.


As soon as you exited the noisy room, you could finally start to understand how big of a mess your thoughts were and how fast exactly was your heart going.

You were confused. Scared, even. It was weird how a simple sentence from a simple- well, not a simple person, Thor had made you question so much. Were you of Earth? Were you an alien?

You would've been sure you were of Earth if you didn't have any powers. But, well, you did. And since you didn't know where Wanda and Pietro got their powers, you didn't know if it was possible for someone that was of Earth to have powers and-


The mist in your mind cleared instantly and you could breathe again.

Peter had powers. And he was of Earth. That was a fact.

You had the urge to laugh at your own stupid panic. It was ridiculous to get worked up over a thing such as powers when there were so many people around you that were just like you.

Shaking yourself once more, you headed along the hall, going to your room.

You bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry," you apologized quickly, sending the person an apologetic smile.

One eye looked down at you, the other covered with an eyepatch. "Tell me, where can I find Tony Stark?"

You frowned. "Who are you?"

"I'm his boss," he drawled, bored. "From S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Uhh," you said, not sure if you should trust this strange man.

"You're new here," he stated with a half-smile, that told you that he clearly knew something you didn't, before putting a hand out," that much is obvious. I'm Nick Fury."

"Ohhhh," you realized. That was the angry-eyepatch-guy who Peter had told you about! "Well, Tony and the others are down the hall and then down the stairs to the left."

"Thank you..."

"Y/n," you finished for him.

He raised a brow. "No last name?"

"No, sir," you gave a tight-lipped smile, now treating the man as authority. "Now, excuse me," with that, you walked away, leaving Nick Fury to go in the opposite direction.


You were walking towards your bathroom, planning to take a quick shower and then go to sleep.

The lights suddenly dimmed and FRIDAY's voice could be heard everywhere over the speakers.

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