Chapter 2 All Duel Hands on Deck

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After getting to the harbor, Reisho flashes the uncarding device as a ship appears. All of them quickly get on the ship before the other Fusion Dimension residents notice that they are enemies.

"To think you've already prepared a luxurious ship..." Risu says in awe.

"This is one of the best ships in Miami City, thanks to the founders who want to help us with stopping Academia." Reisho says.

"Now we should set sail. Do you know how to sail a ship?" Vivian asks.

Reiji says, "Leave it to me." Then he leaves for the control room.

"Now we are ready to go." Yuya says.

"I told you that it isn't going to happen. You'll never reach Academia." Just then, much to their surprise, Dennis also boards the ship.

"Dennis?" This causes everyone to be prepared.

"That was a dirty trick, but now you can't run." Dennis says.

"You're either bold or stupid to board an enemy ship like that, Dennis." Yuya says. "You do realize that every one of us here can beat you easily."

"On the other hand, even though you successfully escaped me before, this time we're surrounded by the ocean. You can't run away. So you have no choice but to face me, Teacher." Dennis says as he turns to Yusho.

"I'll take that duel." Everyone is surprised as Kaito is the one stepping forward.

"Kaito?" Shun asks with surprise and the others are having the same expression.

"If I beat you in a Duel, you'll have to tell us all the strong enemies in Academia." Kaito says.

"Lose? Me? Like that's going to happen. I mean, you're one of those who got destroyed by Academia, right?" Dennis asks.

"We were not destroyed." Yuto says. "Academia's army has already stood down and is rebuilding the Xyz Dimension."

"And the Synchro Dimension is already rebuilt as well." Crow says.

"I remember how important comrades are, that's why I'm going to fight." Kaito says.

"Alright. I'll fight. Beating up one of Teacher's students in front of him should be fun. Not just us, but we should let these spectators watch too. A fantastic Entertainment Duel by Sakaki Yusho's students!" Dennis says.

"Are you sure that's fine?" Ryu asks his mother.

"Maybe. It is a duty to watch over them as a teacher." Sarah says. "That might be what Yusho is thinking."

"Everyone! Please enjoy this, which is rarely seen on top-class passenger lines. A Super Gorgeous Stage Show!" Dennis says. "It's called The Entertainment Duel Show!"

"Hey! How dare you use the name of the Entertainment Duel!" Sawatari yells.

"Calm down, Sawatari." Gongenzaka says.

"The contestants are two students of the unrivaled entertainer, Sakaki Yusho. Me, Dennis,'s heel, Kaito!"

"Who is the heel? Don't mess with me!" Kaito yells while activating his Duel Disk.

"You're so boring. Are you really Sakaki Yusho's student? You can't make smiles with that scary face." Dennis says.

"And who do you think is the reason?" Jean counters.

"Well then, let's begin!" Dennis says. "Duel!" (Kaito:4000)(Dennis:4000)

"I'll start with a magnificent opening. My turn! With Scale 2 Entermage Bubble Gardna and Scale 5 Entermage Candy Craftsman, I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can Summon monsters from Levels 3 to 4! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters! First, Entermage Hat Tricker. (ATK:1100/DEF:1100 LV:4) Also, Entermage Flame Eater! (ATK:1200/DEF:1600 LV:4)

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