Chapter 20 Dark Arena

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After separating from Yuni's group and having Frost with them, Yuto's group arrives at a warehouse. Rio says, "This place sure is a little spooky..."

Shark says, "I agree... but still, we need to defeat whoever's inside the warehouse if we want to reach Akaba Leo."

After entering the dorm, they find a man walking toward them. He is wearing a long cape and a hat, and he says, "Welcome, Lancers."

"Who are you?" Yuto demands.

The man raises his head, showing that he's wearing a mask. "My name is Titan. A Shadow Duelist!"

"Shadow Duelest..." Thomas mutters.

"Yes, I control the Shadow games. All of you fall into my trap, and I'll bring punishment down upon those who break that oath." Titan says.

Just then, some creatures appear beside them, they block the door and causes it to disappear, Rio yells, "The door!"

"What are those creatures?" Chris asks as they realize they're surrounded.

Titan says, "If you want to get out of here, you must duel me." Titan says. "If you duel me and win, you'll be able to get out of this Shadow Realm. But if I win, you'll be going to stay here forever."

"Stay here forever? Quit joking!" Shark yells.

"So are you ready?" Titan yells while activating his Academia Duel Disk, and Yuto says, "Then I'll duel you. I will bring everyone out of here."

Then he also activates the Duel Disk, and with the Action Field, Crossover appears.

"Duel!" (Titan:4000)(Yuto:4000)

"I'll get the first turn." Titan says. "I summon Demon Picador." (ATK:1600/DEF:1200 LV:4)

A demon knight appears on the field, and Titan says, "Then I set one card and end my turn."

Yuto looks at his hand and says, "I set Scale 2 Phantom Knights Lost Steed and Scale 5 Phantom Knights Iron Shield on the Pendulum Scale!"

A ghostly horse and a ghost with a shield appear on the field, Titan says, "Ah, the Pendulum Summon, the Lancer's weapon..."

"I use Iron Shield's Pendulum effect, by sending one card to the graveyard, I can destroy one Magic or Trap Card on the field. I destroy that set card!"

The card turns out to be Des Counterblow, which is then destroyed. Yuto says, "Then I set 3 cards and end my turn."

"Oh? You're not going to summon a Monster?" Titan asks with amusement.

"I don't need that to defeat you." Yuto replies.

Rio says, "Looks like Yuto is doing great..."

"However... I wonder what he'll do next..." Christ says.

"My turn!" Titan draws a card and says, "Time for battle! Go! Demon Picador! Dark Sitar!"

The monster throws a light ball, but Yuto says, "Double Trap! Phantom Knights Lost Vambrace! This turn, Phantom Knights on my field can't be destroyed by battle and the opponent's ATK is lowered by 600! Double means that it's lowered by 1200!"

"What?" Titan is surprised. (ATK:1600-400) Yuto continues, "After the effect is triggered, this card becomes a Normal Monster and is Special Summoned in ATK mode!"

Two ghostly armors appear on the field, (ATK:600/DEF:0 LV:2), Chris says, "Good, now Titan is going to be the one taking the damage instead."

"Is that so? Maybe I should try out your Lancer's weapon." He picks an Action Card and says, "Action Magic: Extreme Sword, Demon Picador gains an additional 1000 ATK." (ATK:400-1400)

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