Chapter 21 Win Mr. Satou's Duel

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In an empty classroom, a teacher says, "And, let's see... I have an announcement to make. Today, I have resigned from teaching. If you want to know why, well... It's because I'm disappointed in all of you. Your lack of motivation, noncommittal dueling, and refusal to engage in real competition. It makes me quite sick. That's why I have decided..."

He looks up and see that there is nobody sitting on the seats. "... to take revenge." He closes his book.

Ruri, Shun, Lisa, Jean, and Aera arrive at a glass building, and Lisa says, "So far there aren't any Academia members around here..."

"What is this lab actually?" Jean asks. "It seems to be some sort of lab..."

Aera notices the sign and says, "Super Animal training lab...I have to guess this is some sort of animal lab..."

Ruri asks, "Are we really going to go inside here?"

Shun says, "We don't know if we don't go in."

When they are walking inside, they decide to split up to search for Academia members, but all they find is none.

"We searched every corner of the building... don't tell me there are no Academia members here." Shun grits his teeth.

"Guys! That seems to be working." Ruri points at the elevator, and they all step in front of it.

"Where does this elevator go?" Lisa asks.

"Maybe the Academia duelists?" Jean asks. "But it also might be a trap.

"Trap or not, it doesn't matter. We can't just stay here and do nothing while others are fighting their own battles." Ruri says.

They all head down from the elevator, and they are surprised to see a giant jungle. "This is..." Aera asks.

"All of this is down here?" Jean gasps.

They can see a lot of animals roaming around the area, and once they leave the elevator, Ruri asks, "Should we split up?"

"No, we should go together, we don't know if there are traps around here." Shun says.

And just then, the lights suddenly turn off. Lisa asks, "Is this a Power outrage?"

"This is an old facility after all judging by the walls." Jean says. "And somehow I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Don't move!" Shun suddenly yells before slashing something from Ruri's shoulder. "It's a poisonous spider."

Ruri says, "Thanks, Brother. Although I don't think it will attack unless we startled them..."

Aera says, "This place is not normal. If we don't hurry, something bad might happen."

Just then, they hear growling, and they turn to see a tiger in front of them. "They have these roaming around, too?" Jean asks.

"It seems the animals they were keeping here have become feral." Aera says. "We've better leave."

As the tiger is approaching, they try to run away, but just as they are running, they hear Ruri's scream.

"Ruri?" Shun yells in horror, and they turn to see Ruri not with them.

"Ruri! Where are you?" Lisa yells, but there is no reply.

At the same time, they see someone approaching, he says, "Welcome to our Death Duel Arena, Lancers. My name is Kouji Satou, and I am one of the teachers here in Academia."

"Are you the one guarding this place? Where have you taken Ruri?" Shun demands.

"Who knows about that? I have been experimenting with all the traps here, and not just traps, but also dueling as well. Until now, my life has been entirely devoted to dueling, you probably wonder why I am such a nobody, but from the orders of the Professor, I will have to stop you here and now."

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