Chapter 16 Serena vs. Barrett

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Somewhere inside Academia, a man is sitting in a prison cell as he looks at the ceiling. He has been imprisoned for 3 years, but thanks to Chronos de Medici, he has been given better accommodations compared to the other prisoners.

Everything that he's thinking about is regret, if he didn't let Akaba Leo come into Academia, this wouldn't have happened. Everything has been too late, Academia has become a Duel Soldier's school and people come here to become the enemies of the Four dimensions.

Serena, Satoshi, Ryo, Jim, and O'brian arrive at the prison room and Jim says, "So this is where they put the prisoners inside?"

"Yeah...this is also where I used to stay..." Serena says bitterly. "According to Rin and Ruri, they were imprisoned in the West and East Towers, but I've been staying in there..."

"Seriously? But you did come out a lot of times." Satoshi says.

"That's because I'm not a prisoner, I'm just staying there so that the guards can watch me." Serena sighs.

"Serena! Guys!" They turn to see Yuya's group arriving at the place, but much to their surprise, even Chronos sensei is with them.

"Chronos sensei?" Satoshi asks. "But...what..."

Hana says, "Don't worry, Chronos sensei is on our side. He brought us here since he has to show us something."

"Signorina Serena, Signor Satoshi, Signor Ryo, Signor Jim, Signor O'Brian! To think all of you have survived..." Chrono says.

"Geez...I almost forgot how affectionate this teacher is..." Serena mutters.

Yuya says, "So Chronos sensei. What do you want to show us in the prison cell..."

Chronos says, "Right. Follow me."

After the 10 of them follow the teacher, they arrive in front of a cell, inside the cell, a lot of people gasp in surprise at who is inside. Ryo says, "Principal Samejima?"

The said person turns to see Ryo and the others, and he is surprised, "You guys..."

Chronos says, "I brought them here, Principal." He takes out the card key and opens the door, the other students rush inside and Hana asks, "Principal, you have been staying here this whole time?"

Samejima frowns and says, "Akaba Leo forcefully took my position. That man suddenly appeared in Academia, claiming to hail from another dimension to look for something. He explained many things to prove it and I thought he could help by teaching the students with his knowledge. However, when I found out about his true plan, I opposed him. Unfortunately, he already influenced most of the teachers and several students, convincing them to take me down from my position. As the result, I got imprisoned here for years..."

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Yusho says as the principal notice Yuya, Vivian, Reiji, and Yusho. "Who are you?"

Reiji says, "My name is Akaba Reiji, we're from the Standard Dimension and I'm the Leader of the Lancers, a group formed by strong duelists of the four dimensions dedicated to stopping Academia and Akaba Leo."

"So you're his other son?" Samejima asks, and Reiji nods.

Samejima turns to Yuya and says, "And you look just like must be Sakaki Yuya, right?"

"So you know me?" Yuya asks with surprise.

Samejima says, "One of Akaba Leo's plans: Revive Zero, I found out that in the other three dimensions there are children who also have the same faces as Yuri, Sona, and Serena..."

"So that's why the Professor has been forcing me to stay here." Serena sighs.

"However, the plan is eventually demolished a few months ago, and the only pictures left are Yuya, Yuni, and Yuzu." Samejima says.

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