Chapter 3 Duel Pirate Captain Solo

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When Dennis wakes up, he finds himself on a bed, he notices the window and he is surprised to see the sea. He looks at his body and wonders, "What? But how? I should've been carded?"

"So you've finally awake." He turns to see Yuya, Yuni, Yuzu, Ruri, Shun, Yuri, Sona, Yusho, and Sarah standing in the doorway.

"What? But I..." Before Dennis can finish, Kurosaki Shun yanks Dennis up and punches him in the gut.

"You think that everything would be solved if you card yourself? You think that is enough to pay for what you have done?" Shun asks with anger. "If you think that carding yourself is your form of redemption, you are sorely mistaken! You're not redeeming yourself, what you planned to do is an act of cowardice! You are too afraid to face your own mistake and tried to run away from it using redemption as an excuse! I won't let you run away. You will take responsibility for every consequence that you have caused. Mark my words."

After that Shun leaves the room and Yuni sighs, "If you're wondering why. We managed to reverse the whole carding system. You do realize that most of us on the ship was once being carded, right? We knew you were a spy back in the Standard Dimension, that's why we never built that system in your Duel Disk."

Ruri says, "When I saw you dueling my brother back in the Synchro Dimension, I didn't want to believe you to be a spy from Academia. Because I enjoyed the times we spent together in Heartland, even though you were on your mission to green-light the invasion..."

Dennis can't believe what he has heard from Ruri, she is forgiving him for his actions. Compared to Kurosaki Shun, he wonders how she is his sister.

Yuya says, "Dennis, even though we knew you were a spy from the beginning, do you know why we still make Pendulum Cards for you? That's because we still think of you as a friend."

Yusho pats Yuya's shoulder and says, "I've always known that there is good in you, Dennis. Your Entertainment Dueling proves it. But you refused to accept it until a while ago. Now you finally listened and be honest about your feelings."

Sona says, "And about your statement before, you can't be friends with the Lancers, it is just your denial. The truth is, everyone in the Lancers is nice, they will accept you. Ryo, Edo, Yuri, Serena, and I played a role in hurting them in the past, but that doesn't mean it is too late to change. You can help us by stopping Academia, no, the real enemy behind Academia."

For some reason, Dennis feels that a stone inside his chest has disappeared, he mutters, "I'm sorry...I know this is not enough. That's why...I'll be helping you guys..."

"That's great. We are actually one person short in Yuri's group." Yuni claps her hands and says.

Then they decide to tell Dennis about everything with the Genesis Omega Dragon, the Sinister four, and everything, Dennis can't believe that he was blinded by the truth, and this only makes him more determined.

Just then, the ship is shaking as they quickly rush outside. Yuya asks, "What's going on here?"

Katrina says, "There is a Pirate Ship and it has been shooting cannons at us!"

"What are we going to do then?" Vivian asks.

"I'll volunteer to stop whoever's on the ship." Yuya says.

"If that's the case, I'll go with you, Yuya." Sora says.

Then with Reiji's approval, the two of them along with Tsukikage ride on the smaller ship as they get to the boat. Yuya asks, "You know who is the one on the boat?"

"He's Captain Solo. He likes cosplaying as a pirate." Sora says. "With the boat arrive, I'll go-"

"No, Sora. You stay on the boat. Tsukikage, try anything to sabotage the ship, I'll handle that pirate to see what their intention is." Yuya says.

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