Chapter 17 Ignis

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When they arrive at the Duel Monsters lab, they met Rumi's group with a professor beside them. Rumi notices them and says, "Yuya? Serena? What are you guys doing here?"

"We've met the Principal of Academia, Samejima. And he wants us to come with him here."

Dr. Zweinstein says, "Ah, Samejima. I see that you have been freed from your prison."

Samejima says, "Doctor, we need to use the computers in the lab."

"Of course." Zweinstein says as he brings them into the lab. Hana says, "So I assume you managed to defeat Dr. Zweinstein in a duel as well?"

Condor says, "Rumi did."

Then they see Reiji and O'Brian holding an unconscious Barrett in their arms, and Ron asks, "That he also a member of Academia?"

"Yeah. He was actually the one leading the invasion in the Synchro Dimension." Yuya frowns, much to their surprise. "After that loss, the Professor puts a Parasite in his brain and Serena is the one who destroyed that."

"To think they would also do that as a punishment..." Rumi mutters, remembering how she has to save Ruri and Rin from the parasite as well.

"But don't you think carding him is easier than carrying him like that? I mean...Reiji seems to be tired." Rebecca says.

"Thanks for your concern, however, we can't let others know that we have the carding device." Reiji says.

"What are you guys doing here?" They also turn to see Mark, Gongenzaka, Tsukikage, Aki, Rin, and Battle Beast rushing toward them. Yuya says, "You guys are also here?"

Serena notices the BB and says, "Wait, isn't that one of Sanders' creations, the Battle Beast?"

Battle Beast notices Yuya and he is afraid, and Rin says, "Don't worry, Battle Beast. Yuya won't kill you, we promise."

"What? Why am I going to kill him?" Yuya asks in surprise.

Mark sighs, "The Professor has that Sanders tell him that if Sakaki Yuya is still alive out there, he will not survive. It's a good thing Yugo manages to calm him down."

Chrono says, "To think Sanders would be doing such a thing..."

Samejima says, "Now the link is on, Yuya, I want you guys to see this."

When they enter the lab, they see Samejima showing them the screen, and on the screen, there are 6 figures. Each of them looks like a human, but they are in 6 different colors: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. And only the blue one looks like a girl while the other 5 are looking like a boy.

"Wow! Look at how many people are there!" The purple figure yells in surprise.

"Who...who are you guys?" Gongenzaka asks.

"Sorry to startle you. But we are known as the Ignis." The female one says. "We are from a world known as the Cyberse World, and you can say we are AIs with free will."

"AIs with free will? How is that even possible?" Condor asks with surprise.

"We should probably introduce ourselves." The yellow one says, "My name is Lightning. I am known as the Light Ignis."

"Aqua, the Water Ignis." "Flame, the Fire Ignis." "Windy, the Wind Ignis." "Earth, the Earth Ignis." "And my name is Ai. The Dark Ignis."

"Wait, those six are the Attributes of the monsters..." Mark widens his eyes.

"But I thought you would be called something related to dark, but Ai?" Rin stares at the Dark Ignis.

"That's not important." Ai says. "But it is nice to see you again, Sakaki Yuya."

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