Chapter 12 Battle Beast

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Seeing 3 more Academia members being carded, Gongenzaka asks, "More Academia students carded? Just who is doing this?"

"And to think we can't free them until we are safe..." Yugo says, "This is really frustrating."

"It's too dangerous to stay seperated. We need to find Sawatari, Crow, and Michael quickly." Mark says.

"Sawatari! Where are you?!" Michael yells.

Sawatari continues to run while the unknown duelist is chasing him from behind. Sawatari asks, "Who is that? This guy who is chasing me this far..."

And with a foot loss, Sawatari falls down the cliff, fortunately, he manages to have a soft landing, he looks up and says, "It looks like I lost my pursuer."

When he tries to climb back up, he finds Crow and Michael. "We've been looking for you, Sawatari." Crow says.

"Oh, it's just you two, Crow, Michael. You sacred me."

Michael shushes him up and he says, "Someone's here."

They look around to find two Academia soldiers coming for them. "Found them!" "The Lancers!"

"So you're the ones pursuing me!" Sawatari says.

"We'll be your opponent." Crow says.

As they continue the duel, they hear a voice, "Intrusion Penalty: 2000 LP!"

This causes all 5 duelists to be confused. Sawatari yells, "Are you shitting me? Who's interrupting the Great Ultra Hyper Strong Duelist..."

"There is no one else here..." Michael says.

"Is my Duel Disk broken?" One Academia member asks.

"Of course it's not! Who's there? Where are you? Reveal yourself!" Crow yells.

And after a while, Michael is fallen to the floor with his LP becomes 0, Crow and Sawatari are shocked as Michael says, "Sorry..." Before turning into a card.

"Michael!" Crow yells in horror as he picks the card.

"Damn it..." Sawatari yells with tears in his eyes.

And in the monitor room, Sanders stares at the screen and says, "All wiped out? None of my top elites could surpass that guy!"

"What's happening?" "Who is he talking about?" "There's another enemy besides the Lancers there?"

One student gasps, "C-could it be...the Battle Beast?"

"No way. He's a rumor, right?" "A hungry beast that duels everyone and cards both friend and foe."

Yugo's group is still moving and Yugo says, "Not only Tsukikage but Academia students are being carded one after another."

"Who would that be? A third party besides us and Academia's students?" Rin asks.

"I'm worried about those other three. We need to hurry up and find them!" Ruka says.

"However, I can't tell left from right in this dense jungle." Gongenzaka replies.

"How about we search them on top of the column there?" Mark asks as he points at the column.

At the same time, Crow and Sawatari are running, and Sawatari says with slight anger, "Crow, survive this turn. This Special Great Supre Ultra etc. Sawatari Shingo will avenge Michael and decide this next turn."

"Sorry, Sawatari, but you did see what happened to Michael. You can't beat him." Crow thinks. "No...I don't think I can either. Even so, I must..."

He decides to let Raikiri attack Sawatari directly, wiping out his LP and breaking his Duel Disk. Sawatari yells, "Hey! What are you doing?"

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