Chapter 14 Red Eyes Horror

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Yuri, Asuka, Johan, Dennis, and Kenzan are walking toward the volcano. Asuka says, "My brother...he might be there..."

"So what's the problem with your brother, Asuka." Johan asks, "Is he being controlled by the parasite?"

"I don't think that's the case." Dennis replies. "I have partnered up with him a lot of times, he often wore that mask of his instead of showing off his face."

Yuri says, "Fubuki was really popular with everyone in the school, he was usually cheerful and optimistic, and he also teases Asuka a lot."

"Did you really need to say that?" Asuka blushes red in embarrassment.

Kenzan says, "Geez, Yuri aniki really is blunt..."

"But after that mask, he has become ruthless and cold...according to Yuya and the others, it might be the work of of the sinister 4 that we're facing." Yuri says.

After arriving at the volcano area, Fubuki is standing in front of them and he says, "So you have come, Asuka..."

"Brother..." Asuka says as she steps forward. "I have decided, I am not going to run away like last time. I'll be your opponent in this duel."

Fubuki smirks and says, "That's what I wanted to hear from you." Just then, he moves a step forward a platform appears on top of the volcano.

"Did he just stand above the volcano like that?" Asuka asks in confusion.

"Why don't you come, Asuka?" Fubuki asks with a smirk. "Don't worry about falling into the lava, I would never do that to my sister."

"Brother..." Asuka says with chills in her spine. But she takes a breath and moves forward. Yuri is showing concern and he says, "If you're scared, you don't have to do this."

"No, it's fine. I have to do this." Asuka says as he steps on the floor.

"That's the spirit." Then both of them activate their Duel Disks. "Duel!" (Asuka:4000)(Fubuki:4000)

Asuka says, "I use Ritual Magic: Machine Angel Absolute Ritual! And I release Level 5 Cyber Tutubon to Ritual Summon! Angel of light hiding healing powers. Bring recovery with your lovely form. Descend! Level 5! Cyber Angel -Nasateiya! (ATK:1000/DEF:1000 LV:5)

After the monster appears, Asuka says, "On the turn, Cyber Tutubon is released as materials for Ritual Summon, I can take 1 Ritual Magic from my graveyard and put it in my hand! The card I add to my hand is Machine Angel Absolute Ritual! This card has one more effect, and I'm activating it now! By returning my Level 5 Cyber Tutubon to my Deck, I can perform another Ritual Summon! I summon another Nasateiya!"

After two Ritual Monsters are on the field, Kenzan says, "Asuka senpai has summoned two Ritual Monsters in one turn!"

"Both of my Nasateiya once per turn can select a monster I control and heal LP equal to half of the selected monster's ATK." Then Asuka recovers both of Nasateiya's half ATK. (Asuka:4000-5000)

"So you summon two Ritual Monsters in DEF mode and recover 1000 LP?" Fubuki asks.

"When there is a monster with the name "Cyber" on the field with Nasateiya, it can negate any attacks towards itself!" Asuka says.

"I see. With two monsters with those effects, it will completely negate all of his attacks!" Dennis says.

"That's right. I end my turn." Asuka says.

"I see, so you've got your defense all set up? As expected from my cute sister." Fubuki says.

Asuka flinches and says, "Geez...even if you're're still the same annoying brother..."

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