Chapter 6 Vampire Duel

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Yuni, Reisho, Reiji, Katrina, and Sergey are at the harbor, and they notice a dark and gloomy castle in front of them.

"What is that thing?" Katrina asks.

"That wasn't even there before...what is going on here?" Reisho asks.

"Let's check it out." Yuni says as they all head into the gloomy castle, and inside the castle, bats are flying around and Reira is getting scared. Reisho hugs Reira and says, "This really is like some sort of monster castle..."

Katrina notices a lot of dolls with Academia uniforms, and says, "There are a lot of dolls..."

"So you're the Lancers that are stopping Mistress Yami's plans?" They notice a woman standing in front of them, and she has an appearance of a vampire.

"A Vampire?" Yuni and Katrina gasp in surprise.

"I, Vampire Camula, a follower of Yami, will now be your opponent." Camula says while noticing Katrina, " have the power of a vampire."

"Who, me?" Katrina asks.

"Very well. The winner will advance on, while the loser will have their soul sealed into a doll." Camula shows the doll in her hand and Yuni gasps, "So it is a Shadow Game..."

"Does that mean those dolls are actually defeated people?" Katrina gasps in horror.

"No way...This is getting really strange..." Reisho mutters. "I don't remember Father having a vampire helping her...that means it is one of the sinister four, like Black Mist..."

Katrina says, "Enough small talk! I'll beat you! I don't care if you're a vampire or not. I'll destroy all enemies in my way!"

After activating the Duel Disks, the Field Magic appears and they all yell, "Duel!"

Katrina says, "I'll get the first turn! With Scale 2 Blood Sucker Crazy Clown and Scale 6 Blood Sucker Unshown Mask, I set the Pendulum Scale!" Katrina places both cards on the Duel Disk and a Clown that has a white face and looks creepy along with a person behind a mask with no face appearing on the field, with 2 and 6 under it.

"I use the Pendulum Effect of Crazy Clown, I can double my Mask's scale!" (PS:6-12) With this, I can summon monsters from Level 3 to Level 11!" Katrina says. As the red pendulum swings, Katrina chants, "Now born from the darkness, come with the swing of nighttime and appear for a hunt! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Then Princess of the monsters, use your beauty to attract others and suck their blood! Blood Sucker Vampire Princess!" (ATK:3000/DEF:2500 LV:8 PS:11)

After the princess appears, Katrina says, "I set one card and end my turn."

"I see you are also a blood-sucking vampire. However, I activate the Magic Card: Phantom Demon's Gate!"

"Phantom's Demon's Gate!" Yuni gasps in shock.

"After this card is activated, if I lose the duel, my soul will belong to the Mystic Demons!" Camula says. "However, Since I want to be cautious, I will give your friends the role of being my sacrifice!"

She has her eyes on Yuni, who widens her eyes in shock. Katrina says, "If you land a hand on my sister, you're going to pay for it! You coward!"

Just then, both Yuni and Katrina's Pendants glow and it stops the dark magic from approaching Yuni. Yuni says, "Our Pendants!"

"They have the power to stop the power of darkness?" Reisho asks.

Katrina says, "Your powers of darkness have been taken out! My sister and my friends aren't going to be your victims! You've got no choice but to stop the Phantom Gate you ended up activating. You'll be carrying out your deal with the gate with your soul now."

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