Chapter 11 Survival Duel

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In the Throne Room, Akaba Leo has seen the giant ship arriving at the docks, and he got a call from one of the commanders, "This is Sanders! Some of the enemies have landed on the island's north side."

"Understood. Carry out the operations according to the plan. Make sure you take Sakaki Yuya down." Leo says.

"Roger. Leave this to me." Sanders says as he ends the call.

In the throne room, Leo says, "If Ray's soul is only inside Hiiragi Yuzu this whole time, then Zarc and Zarine's souls are also inside Sakaki Yuya and Yuni's bodies...that's why Sakaki Yuya has to be dealt with first..."

In the training room, the students are facing Sanders and one student says, "Salute the instructor!"

After saluting, Sanders says, "Students. I have a Special lesson for you elite students, who have earned the top grades in Academia. The target is an enemy to Academi called the Lancers. Right now they are on our island and getting closer to Academia. Let's use them as a jump-off point on your path to becoming full Duel Soldiers!"

He is showing the footage of the Synchro Groups. And back outdoors, Yugo's group and Rin's group are there as Crow says, "I thought they'd give us a warm welcome when we landed, but it's too quiet."

"Maybe they heard of the Great Sawatari Shingo, the man who succeeded in both the City and Heartland! Maybe they ran away!" Sawatari says.

Mark says, "No, they're here."

Tsukikage says, "Indeed. We are..."

Gongenzaka says, "Surrounded."

Then they are surrounded by a lot of students in Osiris Red Uniforms. Aki says, "So they have been waiting for us..."

"Then as we've prepared..." Michael says. "Let's break through!"

"And make sure to protect Rin at all costs!" Yugo says.

"Hold on, I'm going to fight as well." Rin says. 10 of them are charging at the students, also activating their Duel Disks.

"Instructor! An enemy group managed to break through and is heading towards us!" A student says to Sanders.

"Did our capture plan fail?" Another student asks.

Sanders says, "There's no issue. This was part of the scenario. There are 60 enemies that strike in different parts of Academia. In front of us, we have 10 of them heading here. We have three times the manpower, if you were in charge, how would you fight them?"

"Gang up on them three to one and use constant attacks to take them down!" One student replies.

"Defeat them at once in Battle Royale Mode." Another student says.

"Academia duelists can take them one-on-one just fine." The third student says.

Then Sanders strikes his whip on the table and says, "The first mission is not destroying them! I said CAPTURE THEM!"

"Yes, sir! We're sorry sir!" All the students say.

"Whatever. How would you carry out a capture operation?" Sanders asks. "Watch carefully!"

Back with the duel, all of the monsters are destroyed by the Lancers, with each of them using their Ace Monsters to defeat them. Sawatari notices that they are running away and he yells, "Hey! I didn't get my chance to shine!"

"They're getting away!" Michael says.

"After them!" Yugo yells.

"As expected from Osiris Red Students..." Mark mutters.

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