Chapter 8 Blizzard Coldness

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When Professor Chronos is taking Yuya's group, Vivian decides to ask a question. "Brother. The reason that Akaba Leo tries to eliminate you is the fact that you have Supreme King inside you, right? How did it get inside you in the first place?"

Yuya and Hana look at each other and frown a little, Zarc, who is using Yuya's mouth to speak, says, "You're right. I didn't get Supreme King inside me before I decided to follow in Dad's footsteps to become a pro..."

Hana says, "Yuya, no, I know it is Zarc saying. Are you sure you're comfortable speaking it?"

"I have to tell Dad about this." Zarc says. "Like how Victoria is connected to Yami, Wilson is connected to Itchize, and Rebecca is connected to Mistress Thousand...there is another one of our friends who is connected to Supreme King...He is the reason why I was possessed...that's why we never tried to seek for them like the other three back before the battle in Heartland..."

Yuto, Rio, Shark, Chris, and Thomas are now at the Obelisk Male Dorm, and Shark says, "So this is where those Obelisk Force and the other people in Blue uniform living..."

"So we're going to charge inside and give them our fanservice...Interesting." Thomas says.

"We can't be too rash. Our enemy might be waiting for us inside." Yuto says.

"I agree with Yuto. We have to be careful." Chris says.

"You're not moving forward." Just then, they see a man standing in front of them in front of the Obelisk Male Dorm. He's not wearing an Academia uniform, and he has blue hair and glasses. He stares at them and says, "Xyz Dimension Duelists, I assume?"

"Who are you?" Yuto asks.

"And you aren't Sakaki Zarc either..." The boy says. "Where is he?"

"Why do you want Zarc? And who even are you?" Rio asks.

"I made a mistake of showing Zarc those cards...that's why I have to eliminate him before things get worse!" The boy says. "My name is Frost, I'm the one guarding this dorm. I am not going to let anyone else stop the Arc Area Project."

"The Arc Area Project has destroyed our homeland!" Thomas yells at him. "Our friends have been carded because of it!"

"None of you were supposed to exist." Frost retorts. "You guys are not were supposed to be people from history..."

Yuto and Rio then remember the stories that Yuya and Yuni told them. Rio asks, "Don't tell me...are you actually from the Original Dimension, like Mark, Victoria, and Zarc?"

"Stop messing with me! Mark and Victoria? Are you kidding me? Mark is dead! And Victoria has gone missing!" Frost yells.

"They are not missing! Mark and Victoria are also with us!" Yuto says.

"It's no use, Yuto. If what you said is true, that he is from the Original Dimension...then he might be in denial of the Four Dimensions..." Chris says.

"Then we really need to knock him into senses." Rio says. "I'll duel you."

"Kamishiro Rio...formerly known as one of the Barian Emperors Merag..." Frost says. "You also use an Ice Deck, it will be a great opportunity to duel you..."

Then after both of them activate their Duel Disks, the Field Magic Crossover activates as platforms appear. "Duel!" (Rio:4000)(Frost:4000)

"I'll get the first turn. With Scale 1 Blizzard Vulture and Scale 10 Blizzard Maiden, I set the Pendulum Scale!" After the scales are set, she says, "With this, I can summon monsters from LV:2 to 9! Form from the coldness, sway through a white and harsh madness! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Blizzard Infinity Dragon. (ATK:3300/DEF:2800 LV:9 PS:3)"

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