Chapter 15 Roid vs. Helios

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Sona, Sora, Sho, Edo, and Manjome are now walking toward the Abandoned Dorm, and Sho asks with a scared tone, "Are you sure we're going to get inside? This is the Abandoned Dorm..."

"Don't worry. It won't be that scary." Sora sighs while licking his lollipop. "The Abandoned Dorm is just a lie made by the Doctor as a cover for human experiments."

Edo grits his teeth and says, "To think that the doctor would do that...and I trusted Academia..."

"It is not just you, we all did." Manjome says. "And that's why we are going to change."

"You're right about that." Sona says as they continue further, they arrive in a room and they notice a coffin. "What was that?" Sora asks.

"It seems to me that it is a coffin..." Sona tries to open the coffin and they gasp.

"Daidokuji sensei?" Everyone gasps in horror. Manjome says, "What is he doing here? And how did he become like this?"

"Don't tell me it is another one of the human experiments..." Sona mutters.

"So you're here." They turn to see a man standing in front of them, he is wearing a mask and he says, "Welcome to my laboratory."

Just then, they see Daidokuji standing in front of them, much to their shock. Sora says, "Daidokuji sensei? But what about this mummy here..."

"That was my flesh, it was destroyed a long time ago, with the power of alchemy, my soul now resides in this body." Daidokuji says while his cat Pharoh rushes towards Sona.

"Pharoh!" Sona hugs the cat and says, "Sorry that Serena isn't here, she definitely wants to see you again."

"So I guess you were just like Burno? Your soul is having a new body?" Edo asks.

"I have been traveling through the world far and wide to search for the Philosopher's stone, however, my body was too strained by my long trip and it succumbed to an incurable illness. To that end, I entrusted my soul to a Homunculus, an artificial life-form created through alchemy."

"So that's what it was?" Sho gasps in shock.

"But in the end, this body is a temporary flesh. It has started to decay, and it won't be long before I accept my grave illness." Daidokuji says, causing the five of them to frown.

"However, before my inevitable death, I have a request. I want to have a duel with you." Daidokuji says.

"But teacher, we don't have the time! We have to stop the Professor-" Sora says.

"I know, since the Professor has kindly given me a lot of equipment and funds for my research, that's why this is the only thing I can do to repay all the debts." Daidokuji says while activating his Duel Disk. "Now who is going to face me in this final test?"

This causes the group of five to be conflicted, Sho says, "Then I'll do it."

"Sho? Are you sure about that?" Edo asks.

"Yeah, you should've given the great Thunder-" Majome tries to talk before getting cut off.

"No, I have to do this." Sho says.

Sora licks his lollipop and says, "If that's the case, then we might as well let him do it."

Sona says, "We're counting on you, Sho."

Sho nods and he activates the Duel Disk. "Duel!" (Sho:4000)(Daidokuji:4000)

"You may have the first move, Marofuji Sho. Let's see how you do in this duel!" Daitokuji says politely.

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