Chapter 9 It's All Relative

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"So this is the Duel Monster's Lab..." Rumi, Kaito, Ron, Rebecca, and Condor are now in front of a car lab.

"But still, I wonder why are we here in this first place?" Ron asks.

"The universe was formed in a logical manner. However, the creation of the four dimensions has broken down the logic." They turn to see a man standing in front of them. Rebecca gasps, "No way..."

"You know her, Rebecca?" Condor asks.

"He is Dr. Zweinstein, a Dueling Physicist." Rebecca says. "He has a self-proposed Grand Dueling Unification Theory, and also won ten Noble Awards..."

"You must be the Lancers, tell me. Is it really fine to let the four dimensions break the whole universe like this?" Dr. Zweinstein asks.

"As long as the people are happy about it, what's the problem with that?" Rumi asks. "Then I want to ask you, is it fine to sacrifice humanity just to do the Arc Area Project which combines the whole four dimensions into one?"

"You guys must be confined to the beliefs of the fake world, maybe a duel will let you get back to reality." Then the doctor activates his Duel Disk.

"I'll duel you." Rumi says while activating her Duel Disk. "I'll show you that the world is as real as good!"

With Rumi activating the Action Field, platforms appear and Zweinstein says, "Dueling is comprised of arithmetic, physics, chemistry, and all other logical thoughts. He who commands dueling will also command physics."

"But you can't win the duel with just logic." Rumi says. "I believe in my cards, and they will believe in me as well."

"It is just a coincidence. I will use this duel to correct your misunderstandings!" Zweinstein says.

"Duel!" (Rumi:4000)(Zweinstein:4000)

"I'll get the first turn. I activate the Field Magic: Relativity Field!" Zweinstein says.

Just then, the whole field turns into space, and Condor says, "This is..."

"The whole universe?" Kaito asks.

"I end my turn." Zweinstein says.

"Wait, you're ending your turn by just bringing out your Field Magic?" Rumi asks. "My turn!"

After drawing a card, she says, "I summon Flying Riders Nightingale Princess! (ATK:100/DEF:100 LV:4)

After the Monster appears, Rumi says, "Nightingale Princess can be treated as two Monsters when performing Xyz Summon! I Overlay Nightingale Princess! Rise into the air, and take the passengers to the sky with your big balloon! Xyz Summon! Come! Rank 4! Flying Riders Hot Air balloon 4!"

A hot air balloon with 4 level stars the balloon appears on the field (ATK:2200/DEF:1800, RNK:4 OVU:1)

"From my hand, I activate my Singularity Devil's Monster effect! When my opponent has Special Summoned a Monster, by sending this card and the Magic Card in my hand to the graveyard, it will negate Hot Air Balloon 4's Special Summon and destroy it."

"What?" Rumi gasps in shock as her Monster is destroyed. Rebecca says, "Did he just destroy her Xyz Monster just like that?"

"Damn it...I set two cards and end my turn." Rumi says.

"My turn!" After drawing a card, he says, "I use Continuous Magic: Schrödinger's Mischievous Cat! Then I activate the Magic Card: Pot of Greed. I draw two cards."

After drawing two cards, he continues, "The effect of my Schrödinger's Mischievous Cat activates! When I draw cards outside of my Draw phase, after the drawn cards are confirmed, they are returned to my deck and shuffled. After that, I draw as many cards from my deck as the amount I returned."

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