3. Loathe Entirely

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'Hate, hate, hate, double hate.' Tywin rolled his eyes. Of course willow would make everything impossible and of course he had to prove her wrong. 'Loathe entirely!' Willow declared a smirk on her face as she glanced back at tywin.

'Pick one.' Tywin said calmly. Walder refused to kill robb until willow wed tywin. Willow was stalling and tywin wasn't entirely sure why.

'Not bad. Not good though.' Willow told him and tywin sighed.

'I have work to do. Can you veto everything without me?'

'Yes.' Willow agreed picking up a glass of wine he headed to the door but stopped short watching her. She kicked her feet up and leaned back tipping the cup to her lips before closing her eyes. Her head tipped back over the edge of the chair. She was so beautiful and clearly very smart to be able to manipulate him so much. He came back into the room and lifted her feet sitting down her put her legs on his lap she opened her eyes slowly and stared over at him. He stared back after a moment

'Yes my dear?' Tywin questioned

'I thought you were leaving.' Willow told him stiffly.

'I was but now I'm not.' Tywin told her calmly, her face puckered with annoyance.


'Because this is important.' Tywin told her calmly. She stared at him again before pulling her legs to her chest. 'I don't bite,' tywin informed her as she sat on the farthest side of the couch.

'This is impossible and I hate everything, we should cancel." Willow informed him.

"Not happening.'" Tywin told her calmly. A dress and a cake. That was all Tywin wanted her to pick. It was going to be small and brief but he was trying to make an effort to show her that he cared what she wanted and not just what he wanted. But proving her wrong about her initial assessment of men was proving difficult with her current attitude.

"Black." Willow told him.


"I want a black dress." Willow told him. "These are all too frilly and stupid." Tywin nodded looking around at the options. He should have known that Willow's fashion and Cersei's would be completely opposite. So much for Cersei being of any help.

"I can get you a black dress." Tywin agreed and Willow nodded, sitting up her legs draping down off the couch. "I know this isn't what either of us wanted..." Tywin began. "But you are not a prisoner here." Tywin told her. "I know of your fathers reputation and you are free to move around the palace, I would request you bring a guard if you head to the towns though. But that is for your safety.' Tywin told her and Willow's eyes drifted over to him.

"Okay." Willow said her voice barely a whisper. She picked at her nails as they fell into an awkward silence. Tywin cleared his throat as he got up.

"I will... get you some black dresses." Tywin told her and she nodded. She let out a huff of a breath as she stood up.

"You my guard? For my protection? Totally not to make sure I don't run away...' Willow questioned.

"Alfie, My lady." He answered.

"Well, Alfie." She said stubbornly. "Lets go for a walk in town."

"I think we should tell Lord Tywin know before-' Alfie began.

"No, he said I'm not a prisoner and free people don't have to report to anyone." Willow told him. "Or am I a prisoner?" Willow countered and she could see him debating it. "One wrong move and you could blow up this entire union and he is already walking on a thin line." Willow warned. "What's its gonna be?" she questioned slowly.


"Where is Willow?" Tywin questioned but no one knew.

"You lose my sister?" Eugene asked. He was sent to make sure that the marriage happened, consummation and all. He looked too happy about that.

"No, not at all.' Tywin said through gritted teeth.
"She's a pretty one, don't have too many pretty ones, pa usually claims them." Eugene remarked and Tywin felt disgusted, his own daughters. Brother and sister in the marriage bed as well, like targaryen's despicable. 'When I find her, I'm going to claim her.' Eugene told him.

"She is not lost, she is free to move around as she pleases." Tywin told him stiffly.

Freedom never felt so good, but it was short lived because Alfie kept bumping into her nervously as he looked around, silently begging her to come back to the castle.

'Kiss or kill? Kiss or kill?" Willow mused and Alfie stared down at her.

"Lady Willow this is a bad idea."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, you see, you keep running into me like you want to kiss me or like you are going to pull a knife and kill me." Willow informed him. "Make up your mind. I do warn you I would prefer a dagger to being a hostage in this place."

"We should go back. Flee bottom is not safe."

'The twins isn't safe." Willow corrected. "I survived yet I survived 24 years there without a single relative inserting themselves in me. this place is all rainbows and butterflies.' Willow assured he turned at the sound of bowls clattering and when he looked back Willow was gone.

"WILLOW! WILLOW!" he shouted. Tywin was going to have his head. He wandered calling her name when he ran right into Tywin.
"You lost her?" Tywin questioned trying to keep his voice down as Eugene Frey smiled smugly.

"No, my lord. No... she is just..." Alfie was in a panic.

"I will find her, and you will be back to square one, picking from the more sheep like sisters of mine." Eugene told him as he walked off.

"That looks good." Willow said as the woman handed her a lemon tart. "That is good." Willow confirmed.

"I should have started with cake." Tywin remarked when he found her. she wiped the frosting from her lips.

"Oh good, I don't have any coin.' Willow remarked.

"Were you just going to keep eating until one of us found you?" Tywin mused.

"Possibly,' she agreed licking at her lips. "I like this one.' She said pointing to the table. 'whats that called?'

"That's our carrot cake ma'am.' The vendor informed her.

"I want that. I want her to make it." Willow told Tywin.

'Wonderful." Tywin agreed. "I need a carrot cake, serving 50 people at least by tomorrow.'

"TOMORROW?" Willow shouted shaking her head.

"Tomorrow night.' Tywin countered.

"I can do that.' the woman agreed taking the coin from him. "Thank you lord Lannister.'

'Come on willow." Tywin requested.

"I need another." Willow told him softly, almost sheepishly. Tywin held out another coin and the woman wrapped it up for her.

"Thank you.' Willow said softly as they walked. Tywin kept a hand on her back so not to lose her.

"Have you never had cake before?" Tywin mused but Willow remained quiet. "You haven't?"

"Walder didn't like the daughters to have any of the luxuries of life." Willow told him softly. Tywin faltered in his step.


"Sweets make you fat and fat women are disgusting.' Willow repeated her fathers words. 'But his sons and him could be pigs, eating and drinking as they pleased."

"You can eat whatever you like." Tywin told her. "I don't want you to turn into a pig,' he joked and she looked up at him. "But as long as you are healthy, sweets are very much essential." Tywin told her and the idea of leaving, of running slipped away from her mind for a moment. 

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