22. Love

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"Everything is going to be fine." Willow assured as everyone got into their seats.

"You think?" Tyrion questioned and Willow gave him a hesitant nod. "Reassuring, very reassuring mother."

"Tywin is your father, surely he wouldn't... right?" Willow offered.

"Willow Love," Tywin said coming up behind her. "Take a seat please."



"Honestly, this is why men should not be in charge." Willow murmured taking a seat.

'I Tommen of the house Baratheon first of my name king of the andals and the first man Lord of the seven kingdoms do here by recuse myself of this trial. Tywin of the house Lannister hand of the king protector of the realm will sit as judge in my stead.' Tommen said and with that Tommen left the court his knights following after him. Tywin sat at the throne.

'Tyrion of the house Lannister you stand accused by the queen regent of genocide. did you kill King Joffrey?' Tywin questioned his son.

'No.' Tyrion answered confidently.

So the trail began. Tyrion looked to Willow she sat close to him, she felt bad that his whole family seemed to want him dead.

'You examined King Joffrey's corpse. Was it without question poison that killed him?' Tywin asked the maester but his eyes wandered to Willow. He wished she would sit up with Cersei and the royal council and not in the pews like a commoner. But she also sat in the perfect spot for him to look at her.

'Without question.' he answered 'this was found on the body of Dantis hollard the kings fool.' The master pulled a necklace out of his robes. 'he was last seen spiriting Sansa Stark the wife of the accused away from the feast she wore this necklace.' He held it out, 'the day of the wedding the residue of the most rare and terrible poison was found and it.'

'Was this one of the poison stolen from your store?" tywin questioned

'It was. The strangler.' he told them 'a poison few in the seven kingdoms possess used to strike down the most noble child the gods ever put on this good earth.' he told the council


'I will hurt you for this, the day will come when you think you are safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth and you will know that the debt is paid.' Cersei told them

'Your own brother said this to you?' Mace asked

'Shortly before the battle of Blackwater Bay I confronted him about his plans to put Joffrey on the front lines. As it turned out when the attack came Joff insisted on remaining at the battle he believed his presence would inspire the troops.' Cersei lied.

'Tyrion said and he will know the debt is paid.' Oberyn quoted 'what debt?'

'I discovered he had been keeping whores in the tower of the hand.' Cersei told him 'I asked him to confine these salacious acts to the brothels where such behavior belongs. He wasn't pleased.'


'Do you remember the precise nature of this threat?' things were not looking good for Tyrion, it was clear a day that he was going to be found guilty. Tyrion had his word and nothing else. He didn't do it. It didn't matter if his word was truth, Cersei's vendetta would get him killed, it had been a long time coming. Tywin sitting on the throne, he looked so handsome, like he belonged up there. Tywin caught willow staring at him and a smile curved on his lips.

'I'm afraid I do my Lord.' varys answered 'he said perhaps you should speak more softly to me then monsters are dangerous and just now kings are dying like flies.'

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now