10. Frey Girl

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'Hi sansa.'

'Willow! I went by your room but you were not there.' sansa remarked hugging her.

'Oh I went sailing' Willow told her softly.

'You did?'

'It was terrifying.' willow admitted 'but fun.'

'Terrifying but fun?' Sansa teased

'Things that terrify you can be fun.' Willow informed her

'I will take your word for it.' Sansa assured.

'You were looking for me?' Willow countered

'Oh yes I just... didn't want to... be alone'. Sansa admitted.

'Of course.'

'No thats ridiculous-' tyrion began as he pushed the door open. Sansa faltered back pulling willow with her.

'Son. Bronn.' Willow said stiffly.

'Mother.' Tyrion replied fondly.

'Can I call you mommy?' Bronn added with a wink

'I threatened to spank the king in public, threw food in the queen regents face and threatened to take this ones balls. Do you think thats a good idea?' Willow countered

'I love em feisty!' Bronn remarked

'Come on sansa.' willow requested grabbing her hand

'Where are you going?'

'I'm your mother I don't answer to you or you.' she pointed her nose up at bronn as they passed

'Where are we going?' Sansa whispered

'I always found the rain soothing.' Willow admitted. 'Come on.' Willow pushed open the door across the hall and pushed open the window thunder cracked in the distance. Willow plopped down on the bed gesturing for sansa to join her. 'Come here.' Sansa obliged sliding in and leaning against willow.

'It is calming.' sansa admitted listening to the pitter patter outside.

Tywin sat reading. Trying to read. Pretending to read. He was distracted. Willow should have been back by now. He closed his book heading out only to find tyrion drinking with Bronn

'Father! You missing your wife as well.' Tyrion mused

'Where is she?' Tywin demanded

'Don't know. She took sansa and left.' Tyrion answered

'Left where?'

'Don't know she didn't say. I think she said I'm mommy- no you called her mommy,' tyrion said drunkenly 'and she didnt like that. '

'No she didn't.' Bronn agreed

'Where is my wife?'

'Probably long gone.' Tyrion mused. 'Maybe they both are. '

'Useless.' tywin muttered heading out when he heard laughter coming from a room he thought to be vacant.

'That's so gross.' Sansa declared

'It was disgusting! I asked her how come she didn't realize there was a literal larva growing inside of her sooner.'

'What did she say?' Sansa asked hesitantly

'She thought the voices in her head were speaking another language buzzing to her.' Willow recalled

'Oh my God!' Sansa declared laughing

'Frey's are not known for their brains.' Willow remarked

'You seem very bright.' Sansa informed her

'Well thank you I try.' Willow agreed

'I just meant. You don't seem like what people said... about the freys.' Sansa added awkwardly

'I'm glad I tried very hard to be nothing like them, but I what I am at the end of the day.' Willow agreed

'I heard walder frey doesn't teach his children how to read or write.' Sansa remarked

'Thats true.' Willow agreed nodding slowly.

'You can though can't you?' Sansa asked and willow shook her head. 'Really?' She couldnt read or write tywin thought with desperation that was awful. Reading was something everyone should know writing as well. It didnt seem right that a woman of her age couldnt do either that her father never bothered to teach her.

'It's alright I've gotten by okay without.' Willow told her

'Like how you don't know how to dance proper .'sansa added

'My way of dancing is much better.' Willow remarked and sansa nodded

'It's certainly more fun.' sansa admitted when she heard the floor board creek and she snapped her head around

'Lord tywin.' sansa said nervously as willow peered past her.

'You are really quite needy.' Willow told him

'Just checking in.' Tywin told her as he headed out

'Its late you should get to bed.' Sansa remarked nervously

'You should stay here tonight tyrion is still drinking I assume and that kind of environment is not place for a lady so slept contently.' Willow told Sansa.

'Thank you willow.''

'Good night sansa. I will see you tomorrow.' Willow said following tywin out. 'You make that a habit?'


'Following me and lurking in doorways.' Willow clarified

'No.' Tywin said immediately


'You just talk more tell her things to which you dont tell me.' Tywin said softly.

'I dont see you asking questions.' Willow countered

'You cant read or write.' Tyrion remarked

'That's not a question.' willow informed him as he closed their door behind him.

'Would you like to learn?' Tywin asked

'To read?' Willow questioned

'Yes and write. If you want I could teach you.' Tywin offered

'Yes.' Willow said after a hesitant moment. 'I would like that. '

'Why didn't you tell me?' Tywin questioned gently as willow pulled the covers up and around her

'I didn't want to be another daft and dull Frey girl.' Willow admitted rolling onto her side her back to him. Tywin leaned over his hand grazed her side

'You're not daft or dull.' Tywin corrected. 'You are also not a Frey girl.' Willow couldnt help the smile that tugged at her lips as he tightened his grip around her his breath on her neck. 'You are a Lannister.'

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now