5. Lady Lannister

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'She is a child.'

'She is a foot taller than you.'

'A tall child.' Tyrion said

'What's the youngest you've ever had?'

'Not that young.'

'how much older?'

'Older.' tyrion said simply

'Your a Lord she's a lady.' Bronn reminded him 'and a beauty at that.' bronn remarked

'Shae is not going to like it.' Tyrion remarked

'Shae is a whore. Are you going to marry her?' Bronn questioned 'How did marrying a whore turn out for the first time?'

' I never should've told you about that.' Tyrion remarked.

'You want Shae keep her, wed one bed the other.' Bronn that 'all you have to do is get a son in the stark girl he will be Lord of Winterfell one day and you can rule the north in his name you will have two women and a whole kingdom of your own.' Bronn remarked.

'Two women who despise me and a whole kingdom to join them.' Tyrion corrected

'You can waste time trying to get people to love you, you will end up the most popular dead man in town.' Bronn said pouring them both another drink 'you wanna fuck that stark girl you just don't want to admit it.'

'I do not pay you to put evil notions in my head.' Tyrion said. 'The ones in my head don't need the company.'

'No you pay me to kill the people that bother you.' Bronn told him 'evil notions come free. Come on lets go see your hot new mother down the aisle.'


It was black and sleek Willow turned in the mirror looking at herself, she didn't recognize herself. Her hair was done and her clothes were elegant, shoes were new. She flattened down the dress for the millionth time needing something to do with her hands. There was a knock at her door and she felt a sob in her throat. There goes her plans for running away and being free. It all ended now. Eugene entered and Willow let out an annoyed sigh.

"Wow you clean up nice." Eugene remarked. "I get the honor of walking your fine ass down the aisle.' He told her.
"I would rather walk alone." Willow told him but he grabbed her arm with a bruising grip.

"Lets get this over with. I'm looking forward to the bedding ceremony.'

"You are a pig.' Willow told him bitterly.

"I am," he agreed and oinked in her face she turned her cheek. Her sadness replaced with anger.

Eugene kept a tight hold of her as she walked down the aisle her face pinched as she ascended the stairs, she rolled her shoulders and shook out her arm once he released her. Willow couldn't look at him, she focused on her hands in front of her. just a little longer and then they could ignore each others existence. Willow thought hopefully.

'Let it be known that Lord Tywin of House Lannister and Lady Willow of house Frey are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.' Tywin stared down at Willow, she focused on her hands still not listening. "Look upon one another,' the septon repeated softly to willow and she looked to him. He nodded to Tywin and her gaze slowly shifted to Tywin. 'and say the words."

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated, Willow's voice was so quiet, Tywin was sure that if he stood one step back that he wouldn't have heard her.

'I am his.'

'I am hers'

'He is mine'

'she is mine,'

'from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed, Willow let out a shaky breath, as she focused on her hands again.

'You may now cloak the bride with your protection.' Tywin moved around her and cloaked her. he didn't know what changed from yesterday, the smile on her face as she was trying cake for the first time to looking like a goddess but more miserable than ever.

'In the presence of your family and friends, I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together.

Chains. Chained to this man forever, no more freedom. No more adventures, chains. Willow held back the tears that filled her eyes. She wondered if that man she met, Thomas... Thomas Shelby, if he came back. If he looked for her, or if he was lying to her too. If he was never going to rescue her, if married off was all she was ever going to be good for.

'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.'

"With this kiss I promise..." Tywin stared down at her as his words died off. What could he possibly promise that she would believe? Love? He didn't know her enough to love her, she wouldn't let him in. Friendship? That sounded great, tied together forever, lets be friends. Passion? Adventure? Freedom. That was what she wanted and he looked to her hands as she twisted her wrists under the binds. She just wanted freedom. "I promise freedom from any and all chains." Tywin told her and she looked up to him as he kissed her softly. Hands untied they left, Tywin kept a hand on her back as she took sluggish steps. 

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now