16. Big Day

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Willow woke wrapping around Tywin. She turned slowly pulling herself away but he followed her rolling into her trapping her in his arms. He kissed her neck and shoulder, Willow felt him harder against her thigh as his hands moved over her hip.

"Big day today." Willow whispered.

"Hmm." Tywin agreed keeping her in his arms. She turned in his arms he pressed a kiss to her forehead. She looked up at him. He moved slowly he felt like he was approaching a bear, slowly with hesitation. His lips grazed hers and she didn't pull away. she looked at him, waiting. So Tywin kissed her slowly. She pulled back slowly biting at her hip.

"We should get ready." She remarked getting up.

"Of course." Tywin agreed. He didn't know if she was embarrassed or ashamed of him but they were alone, who cared if she loved him behind closed doors? He watched her move the room and a sigh escaped his lips. One of these days she would trust him.


Margaery looked smug. She was becoming a queen, so of course she was. Willow stared up at her, something was off about that family and that was saying something because Frey's were a little off themselves.

Mace Tyrell delivered her to Joffrey and she hooked arms with him as they made their way up the sept to the Septon together. He cloaked her with his protection with honor and dignity their hands bound together as the septon spoke.

"Are you alright?" Tywin whispered.

"Just cold." She whispered leaning back into him. He didn't question it as he wrapped his arms around her.

'Let it be known that Margaery of house Tyrell and Joffrey of the houses Lannister and Baratheon are one heart one flesh one soul cursed be to those who would seek to tear them asunder.'

'With this kiss I pledge my love,' Joffrey said bringing his lips to Margaery the crowd clapped happily as they were announced man and wife. King and Queen.

'We have a new queen.' Sansa said down to Tyrion.

'Yes we do,' he agreed.


'All taken care of.'

'you saw her on the ship?'

'All taken care of.' Bronn confirmed for the millionth time.

'And you saw the ship sail away?' Tyrion questioned.

'No one knows she's there except you me and Varys.' Bronn confirmed

'How do you know?'

'Because no one follows me without invitation or I am the last person they ever saw.' Bronn told him.

'Someone saw you, you mean?' Tyrion questioned.

'She is gone.' Bronn told him. 'I know you don't wanna believe it but she is. Now go drink until it feels like you did the right thing.'

Joffreys wedding was large and over the top but that was to be expected on the King's wedding. Sansa sat next to Tyrion, miserably. Willow kept her focus on her drink in front of her as Tywin ran a hand along her spine. He didn't know how to read her. He wanted her to feel safe around him but she kept pulling away. He didn't know what he had to do for her to trust him.

The banquet music played and there was a feast the size of kings landing itself. Margaery listened to the music intently as Ellaria talked with Oberyn, Willow poured herself another drink and another. Licking the residue from her lips, she looked up at Tywin.
"you are staring." She remarked.

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now