6. Make it Official

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The Heir // King Viserys// Daemon Targaryen is out now!

Willow bit at her nails anxiously as the food was served her stomach was in knots.

"not hungry?" Tywin questioned, she couldn't hear him her own heart beating so loudly it made her ears pound. "You are going to bite your nail raw." Tywin informed her touching her arm and she jumped at his touch. "Sorry,' he whispered and he looked to her gaze. Eugene stared smugly at her. "He doesn't have to-'

'Walder demanded it, to know it was official." Willow reminded him.

"Your father is a cunt." Tywin remarked.

"Why do you think I call him Walder? The one good thing about this union is I'm no longer tied to his awful name.' Willow muttered.

"Would you like the cake?" Tywin offered. "We can serve it first."

"I'm not hungry, I ate too much yesterday." Willow admitted. the sugar, that much sugar in her system wasn't helping her nerves either.

"Don't worry about him." Tywin tried and willow looked to her lap picking at nails, spinning the ring on her finger. "You didn't wear a necklace." Tywin noticed.

"Never had any jewelry before.' Willow told him softly. "I didn't think about it."

"Oh," Walder really was awful to his daughters. "If you would like any... I would be happy to...'

"Thanks, I'm fine." Willow told him softly still spinning the ring on her finger.

"Father looks miserable." Tyrion remarked happily.

"Why are you happy about that?" sansa questioned.

"Because he is-' Tyrion stopped himself from saying as miserable as us. "...because he tormented me all my life and now she gets to torment him.' Tyrion offered.

"I feel bad for her." Sansa murmured.
"Yes being tied to my father.' Tyrion agreed nodding.

"I was more thinking, being tied to a Lannister.' Sansa corrected softly and Tyrion glanced over at her before pouring himself another drink.

"Would you care to dance?" Tywin was trying, it wasn't his fault Willow was in a sour mood. But it was. Tywin could have picked someone else. Anyone else, Willow was bitchy and rude and yet he picked her. He held out a hand for her as he rose. She stared up at him. "Just a dance." He offered. Willow sighed as she got up. He lead her out into the middle of the floor.

"I don't know why he is doing this, Frey's are not to be trusted.' Cersei muttered.

"And Starks or Tyrells are?" Tyrion countered.

"Walder Frey is a squirrely man." Cersei told Tyrion. "and it is obvious she does like father."

"You like your husband to be?" Tyrion countered and Cersei's face puckered with annoyance. "Exactly, are you planning on killing Loras?"

"That is debatable." Cersei told him softly.

"Not everyone is as awful as you." Tyrion informed her. But Willow looked miserable, she looked like the light got snuffed out the moment Tywin kissed her and sealed their lives together.

"You said you liked to sing." Tywin recalled and Willow nodded, she felt awkward, she had never danced like this before. Tywin could tell, he tried to lead her. But she didn't know the steps she felt very out of place. This whole place, she felt out of place here. She didn't much fit in at the twins but here, she was like a sore thumb. "What do you sing?"

"Reigns of Castamere.' She joked.

"They certainly play it enough.' Tywin agreed.

"I don't think they know how to play anything else." Willow murmured.

"What do you like to sing?'
"Nothing special." Willow answered quietly.

"Maybe you could sing something for me." tywin suggested and Willow stared up at him. "Or not." He was trying but Willow was stubborn. She wanted this night to be over. But as soon as Eugene declared bedding ceremony she felt even sicker. It wasn't the thought of Tywin that made her sick it was that Eugene was going to be staring at her. also the fact that she got no say in the matter. She never got a say, women didn't get a say.

"Let's get this over with." Willow muttered walking off.

"Have fun father." Tyrion said smugly as Tywin follow Eugene and Willow.

Walder demanded that their marriage was consummated with one spectator of his choosing. Eugene was happy to volunteer. Willow let out a pained breath as the door closed and Eugene slapped his hands together. Willow turned her back to Tywin as he started untying her strings. His hand guided the dress down over her hips. He felt her tense as the air hit her bare skin. She stepped out of her dress and refused to look at either of them. as she lay down at the edge of the bed.

'Get on with it then.' Willow told tywin impatiently. Tywin didnt like the way willows brother was looking at her. Didnt like the look of him in general actually.

'Could you not look at me like that?' Tywin questioned Eugene, "Or her?'

'I knew this would be a problem in your old age.' Willow mused trying to distract herself. 'Just close your eyes and pretend I'm someone else.' Willow instructed. Tywin stood between her legs her head against the sheets as her brother watched her chest rise and fall. Tywin wrapped his hands around her thighs and he felt her stiffen slightly at the touch. He watched her stare completely focused on the ceiling as his fingers wrapped around slipping inside of her. Her breath hitched at the pressure and tywin chuckled.

She forced herself to hate this. Every second of this but her breathing, her racing heart beat got the better of her. His fingers pumped and teased pulled at her. Willow couldnt stop the arch of her back but her face pinched trying to get herself to stop reacting like this to him. But watching her fight the feeling, fight what he was doing to her, as a little gasped escaped her lips.

Tywin was ready now. She stifled a moaned as he inserted himself into her wet heat. Her legs tightened just slightly around him she tried to stop it. She couldn't, wouldn't let him know her true feelings. His hands gripped her hips pulling her hips off the bed and into him giving him more leverage. Her whole body heaved as he moved her fingers gripped the sheets as she clenched her jaw.

This was hell. She was in hell. But a little whimper escaped her lips as her leg tightened around him. He smiled filling her as her shaky legs dropped from him.

'Out.' Tywin demanded Eugene, his hand down his own pants as he watched. Willow couldn't look at either of them. He left and tywin poured them a drink.

'Can I go?' Willow questioned


'Don't husbands and wives sleep in separate rooms?' Willow offered

'Not my wife.' Tywin told her simply as he handed her a drink she downed it before laying back down. 'Cold?' He questioned placing a blanket at the end of the bed before he walked over brushing the hair from her face. She watched him cautiously as he kissed her head softly.

'Goodnight Willow.' Tywin said pulling a sheet up over him.

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now