28. Get on with it pt3

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Alt alt ending... for you. @arohamoore

"I will be right back." Tywin told her kissing her again. "Don't move." He kissed her again leaving a smile on her face as she plopped down on the bed trying yet again to read, her head tipped off the edge of the bed when she heard footsteps.

"You know learning to read while upside doesn't really work." Willow admitted with a laugh but the book dropped out of her hands when she saw Tyrion.

"Hello Willow." Tyrion said looking the room. She spun around getting to her feet making herself dizzy.

"Tyrion?" Willow said her head spinning. "What's going on?"

"Where is my father?" Tyrion found a crossbow in the corner of the room.

"What are you doing?" Willow questioned.

"I had something made for you...' Tywin stopped short seeing Tyrion.

"Father." Willow stood silently as Tyrion turned around pointing the crossbow at Tywin.

"Tyrion. Put down the crossbow. Who released you? Your brother, I expect. He always had a soft spot for you...." Tyrion tightened the grip on the crossbow, he had the upper hand, "This is how you want to speak to me, hmm? Shaming your father has always given you pleasure."

"All my life you've wanted me dead." Tyrion reminded him, tywin nodded in agreement. Willow looked between them, she didn't understand what was happening.

"Yes. But you refused to die. I respect that. Even admire it. You fight for what's yours. I'd never let them execute you. Is that what you fear? I'll never let Ilyn Payne take your head. You're a Lannister. You're my son." Silence filled the room while Tywin tried to read his sons expression, deciding if Tyrion was actually going to shoot him. "Willow come here love." Tywin requested.

"No. she is going to stay right where she is." Tyrion told him and Willow stared at Tywin nervously.

"I loved her." Tyrion admitted.

"Who?" Tywin countered putting down the gift he had made for Willow on the dressed.


"Oh, Tyrion... she was a whore, what about that don't you understand?  Just put the crossbow down.' Tywin demanded but Tyrion shot at him. Willow shrieked as the arrow just barely grazed Tywin's ear. Tyrion loaded and raised the crossbow threatening his father to say that word again.  "And what? You'll kill your own father? No. You're my son. Now, enough of this nonsense."

"I am your son and you sentenced me to die. You knew I didn't poison Joffrey, but you sentenced me all the same. Why?"

"Enough. Willow has no part of this and you are scaring her." Tywin demanded.

"Willow has nothing to fear from me." Tyrion assured. "It is you that deserves my rage." Tywin opened his mouth to speak but willow found the courage to push past and block tyrions way.

"Tyrion no". Willow demanded stepping in front of tywin. "Stop this. Now. "

"Willow" he said through a pathetic breath. "I dont want to hurt you."

"Just go." Willow begged. "Run be free. Live. Just go." Tyrion stared at her a long moment before he dropped the crossbow. Her heart was beating out if control as she struggled to breathe but tyrion left. He walked away. Willow looked back at Tywin.

"He could have shot you." Tywin remarked.

"Whats worth dying for if not love?" Willow offered and Tywin leaned down and kissed her consuming her.

And they lived happily ever after.

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now