2. Willow

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"Lord Lannister, welcome!"

"I really don't have time for this Walder." Tywin began.

"Nonsense, you want me to handle the Starks, I will." Walder assured. "As soon as I have one of my daughters married off. Take your pick, I brought a handful."

"I came to offer different form of compensation." Tywin informed him.

"No, I want one of them gone, fuck if I care take two, three. I have too many and can only fuck so many of them." Walder told him. "Take your pick, I brought you the pretty ones.' Walder remarked.
"I would like to offer a different-'

'NO!' walker shouted. "This or no deal." Walder told him and Tywin sighed. He was taking time out of his busy schedule to try and come to a reasonable understanding, but being reasonable with a Frey was like trying to deal with north men, stubborn as a goat. "Wonderful, girls. Impress Lord Lannister." He instructed.

Tywin sat down as the first daughter stepped forward. This was a pretty one? Tywin thought as her crooked toothed face smiled up at him. She had a lazy eye and a wart on her cheek, a hair sticking out of it waving in all directions. He was going to have to find another way to deal with the starks.

"I'm Be-'

'Next. Please." Tywin said. She stared at him a moment longer before getting up.

"I'm Gale." She was an improvement but she was dull. He suspected they all were.

"What do you like to do Gale?" Tywin mused.

"I clean and fetch manure for the fertilizer." Gale told him.

"Next." Tywin requested calmly.

"I just adore the south, you have flowers right we don't have flowers here.' She sounded like she got dropped on her head a few dozen times, Tywin remarked but she was prettier and kind, trying to flatter him.

"Thank you, Agatha. Next." Tywin requested. The next one to step up was no older than Tommen. "No." Tywin said immediately.

"Shes a good fuck.' Walder called. "Don't worry about age."

"No." Tywin said again.

"You're picky for an old guy." Walder remarked. "You are never going to find the perfect woman, because the perfect woman does not exist.'

'Next." Tywin said calmly.

"I will be a good bride and a loyal wife and I will love you and tend to you and provide you with many heirs.'' Betty said smiling up at him. But Tywin hated this whole thing. Hated every second of it. He didn't want another bride. He wanted to deal with the business at hand, the wars at hand but with war came sacrifice.

"You are so handsome, we would make such lovely children.' He didn't like their accents, their middle of nowhere hick talk.

"I'm sorry what was your name?" Tywin questioned he didn't know how many women he had met but they all started to blend together.


"Right, yes..." Tywin sighed

"Yes? You want me?' she jumped up

"No." Tywin said immediately.

"Fucking hell, Lord Lannister if I knew you were going to be this picky I would have had you come to the twins instead of meeting you here." Walder remarked. "I'm almost out of options and if you want Robb stark handled you best pick soon."

"Next." Tywin requested and Willow sat down in front of him, her arms crossed over her chest. He stared at her. "Hello." Tywin said as she glared over at him. "Whats your name?" he questioned when she didn't answer. "You think I'm happy about this?" Tywin countered and she sat up straighter.

'I didn't ask for this either.' Willow reminded Tywin. 'I didnt ask to be married to some grandpa!'

'I see we are off to a great start.' Tywin mused as willow grumbled slumping in her chair. But instead of calling for the next inevitable failure. He watched her. she didn't speak like the others, she wasn't quiet, she was loud, long braids dividing her hair. "What do you like to do?" she was by far the most beautiful, didn't seem to fit in the Frey bunch.

"I like oh fuck what did Gale say to make you send her away so fast?" Willow mused a laugh on her lips.

"I'm sorry?" Tywin questioned.

"I like to sing. There aint much to do out here in hick ville." Willow told him forcing an accent.
"You don't talk like your sisters.'

"You mean I'm not dull and daft like them?" Willow corrected

"I didn't say that.' Tywin reminded her.

"But that's what you meant." Willow told him. "You don't want me, I will make your life hell." Willow told him confidently. 'Take your pick Tywin.' Willow told him stubbornly.

'Your sisters were kinder.' Tywin remarked

'Yet here you are still talking to me.' Willow reminded him. 'You know why they were all gung hoe about you. Because the alternative is walder or our disgusting brothers.'

'Yet you dont fawn over me.' Tywin remarked "You want to fuck your despicable father?" Tywin mused and Willow laughed out. He liked her laugh, her smile was straight and her eyes were sharp. Look's shouldn't matter but it did help.

'Fawn over you?' Willow chuckled straightening in her chair. 'You want someone to fuck when you please. Someone to compliment you every time you shit. You want-'

'How do you know what I want?' Tywin countered.

'Because men are all the same.' Willow told him confidently. 'They just want to be applauded and worshiped and something to keep their cock warm.'

'That's not me.' Tywin told her but yes in a sense it was.

'You have chosen?' Walder asked. Tywin glanced back at walder before looking down to willow.

'I have.' Willow stared up at him in disbelief. She was going to run she was going to get out of this hell. She couldnt be married off she was almost free. She met a man that was going to get her onto a ship and out of here. She couldn't be married off. No, she was so close to freedom, she couldn't be chained to Lannister until the day she died.

'Willow?' Walder chuckled. 'Good luck,' he said smugly.

'No.' willow shot up.

'You dont get a fucking say in this.' Walder sneered. Willow let out a very annoyed groan of displeasure before stomping off.

'Good luck.' walder repeated. What had Tywin gotten himself into?

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now