23. Mothers

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Bad Blood // Theon Greyjoy Out now

"Father, I wish to confess. I wish to confess!' Tyrion declared clearing his throat as shae's testimony hurt him deeply, her lies, her vicious lies, he thought she loved him and this was how she repaid him. Willow took a step back sitting down at Tyrion looked around the crowd.

'You wish to confess?" Tywin looked pleased as he leaned forward in the Iron Throne. Tyrion turned to the crowd.

"I saved you. I saved this city. All your worthless lives. I should have let Stannis kill you all." Everyone watching happily turned angry, yelling and shouting in outrage.

"Tyrion, do you wish to confess?" Tywin said loudly to get the crowd to quiet down and get his sons attention. Tyrion's eyes landed on his Shae.

"Yes, father. I'm guilty. Guilty. Is that what you want to hear?"

"You admit you poisoned the king?"

"No. Of that, I'm innocent. I'm guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I'm guilty of being a dwarf." Tyrion informed him. Tywin scoffed.

"You are not on trial for being a dwarf." Tywin reminded him.

"Oh, yes I am. I've been on trial for that my entire life."

"Have you nothing to say in your defense?"

"Nothing but this... I did not do it." He then turned to Cersei, his anger bursting out of him, "I did not kill Joffrey, but I wish that I had! Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores!" Tyrion then turned to the crowd his eyes ablaze with anger, "I wish I was the monster you think I am! I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you! I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it!" his audience started shouting again.

"Ser Meryn! Ser Meryn, escort the prisoner back to his cell!" Tywin shouted over the crowd. Tyrion glared with complete hatred towards his father.

"I will not give my life for Joffery's murder and I know I'll get no justice here, so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat." The crowd erupted with anger shouts and cries demanding his head. Tyrion would live another day but still he felt defeated as he was escorted back to the dungeon.


'Fetch Bronn I have a job for him.' Tyrion told podrick from inside of his cell

'I already asked my Lord and they won't allow him.' Podrick said

'Why not?'

'they say he's a known cutthroat.' Podrick told him 'and one of your close associates he's under investigation himself.'

'And my brother?'


Training with Jamie was fun, a blade up against the Lord's chest Bronn yanked off his golden hand smacked him over the face with it Jaime crumble to the ground.

'What the hell was that?' Jaime spout from the ground

'That was me kicking your ass to the dirt with your own hand.' Bronn said tossing it back to him.

'you are a rare talent when you're fighting cripples anyway.' Jaime noted

'when you learn to fight like a good little boy I'm sure that thrust through the mad king's back was as pretty as a picture do you want to fight pretty?' Bronn questioned 'or you want to win?'

'You talk to my brother this way?'

'All the time he got used to it.' bronn told him. 'Do you think he did it?' Bronn questioned.

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now