9. Swim

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"I don't know how to swim." Willow reminded him.

"I can teach you." Tywin assured offering her hand onto the boat she took it hesitantly.

"There are easier ways to kill me then drowning." Willow remarked.

"I'm not going to kill you." Tywin assured. "I thought you would like this.'

"Drowning?" Willow remarked as he pushed the boat off the dock, suddenly she was nervous, the ground was gone.

"You don't have to step into the water if you don't want." Tywin assured. Goodbye bossy woman and hello terrified little girl. "It's alright." Tywin assured. He sat down and offered her a hand she gripped to his hand. "I thought you said you wanted an adventure?" Tywin recalled as she clung to him nervously.

"I did... I do... I don't know." Willow admitted. "The whole idea of drowning makes me nervous and takes the fun out of it.' She remarked.

"I wont let you fall." Tywin assured wrapping an arm around her. note to self, put Willow on the water and she clings to you, Tywin thought. He felt a bit bad that she was so nervous but it showed that she trust him at least a little bit.

'So you thought you were going to ride a pirate ship for hours probably days and be totally fine?' Tywin mused. He kept an arm around willow her knees up to her chest as she leaned into him as they sailed.

'It wasnt my most thought through plan.' Willow admitted 'i just wanted to get the fuck out of there.' Tywin pressed a kiss to her temple and she sighed deeply as he held her closer. 'Also boats real boats have-' she waved her hand around '- borders so you cant just fall overboard.' Willow remarked

'You can still fall-'

'La la la!' Willow said loudly. 'Don't say these things while we are out here.' she hissed.

'I wont let you fall'

'Letting me fall and pushing me are two different things.' willow remarked

'I won't push you either.' Tywin assured. 'I'm an excellent swimmer,' tywin told her

'Good for you,' she whispered as he stood up she tipped back since she was using him for support. He peeled off his shirt

'What are you-' he jumped in and the boat rocked. 'Fuck,' willow muttered when he didnt come back up. 'I'm going to die out here or get eaten by sharks or-' she jumped and a scream escaped her lips as tywin popped up for air. 'You scared me!' Willow shouted

'You were worried about me?' Tywin questioned

'No! I was worried about me!' Willow corrected 'if you die im stuck out here and i die too. '

'Wow... thank you willow really warms the heart.' Tywin mused holding onto her feet

'What are you doing?' Willow questioned

'Come in.' Tywin said gently grabbing her ankles

'I can't swim.' Willow reminded him

'First step is getting in.' Tywin told her

'I can't swim and that's deep.' Willow told him again nervously.

'You can hold onto me.' Tywin assured. Willow took a deep breath sliding her feet over. 'You might want to leave your dress,' tywin mused hopefully.


'It will weight you down once its wet.' Tywin offered. Slowly willow pulled off her dress. She sat down in front of him her legs hanging off the edge.

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