19. Legacy

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Tywin knew he shouldnt have been excited when he woke up and willow was curled into him. But he was. He knew realistically that willow didn't choose this position that her sleeping body shifted and turned in the night and ended up in his arms. But he savored the feel all the same.

Tywin sighed knowing he had to get up but when he tried to slide out of her grasp she held tighter. He ran a hand through her hair her eyes still closed he relaxed sinking back into the pillow. He could be late.

When willow woke up she felt tywins fingers in her hair and she realized how close to him she was. She kept her eyes closed waiting though. Waiting for what? Her sanity to come flooding back and get off of him. It didnt. She was comfortable and she liked his arms around her. She hated that. She hated that she was falling for him.

''Good morning,'' he whispered and she waited a breath before she answered

''Morning,'' she murmured. He thought willow would move turn around or lung out if the bed but she didnt. She lay there still an arm around him her head on his chest. A smiled crossed tywins face. He was winning her over.

Willow adjusted off his chest and rested her head on the pillow looking over at him

''I have a small council meeting.'' Tywin informed her his face inching closer. ''But perhaps after...'' his nose brushed against her. ''We could do something together.'' Willow nodded just slightly. ''Great.'' He agreed and Tywin kissed her. He thought she would pull away but she didnt. So he deepened the kiss her lips moving with his. When he pulled away she locked eyes with him for a moment before averting her eyes. He stared at her a moment longer though before kissing her forehead and getting up. She watched him get ready and he pretended not to notice her gaze. He took his time moving slowly he had never gotten this of her attention before. Once ready he looked back at her. Willow didnt try to hide her stare. He kissed her again before walking out feeling victorious.


'Your grace.' Oberon stood up as cersei approached.

'Prince...' Cersei said glancing to his parchment. 'who are you writing to?'

'A poem actually.' Oberyn corrected

'May I show you the gardens?' Cersei question

'well I couldn't really refuse a royal escort now could I...' Oberyn mused

'No you couldn't.' Cersei agreed 'I did not realize you were a poet.'

'I'm not a very good one.'

'for your Paramore...' Cersei said sweetly

'for one of my daughters.' Oberyn told her.

'Do you have several don't you?' cersei recalled


'8? Eight daughters.' Cersei said amazed.

'The fifth is difficult.' oberyn admitted 'I named her after my sister.' he clarified. 'But I cannot say her name without sounding sad and after being sad I grow angry.' Oberyn remarked.

'Perhaps that's why she's difficult.' Cersei told him. 'Gods love their stupid jokes don't they?"

'Which joke is that?' Oberyn questioned

'You are the prince of dorne legendary fighter and a great man feared throughout Westeros but you could not save your sister. I am a Lannister queen for 19 years and daughter of the most powerful man alive but I could not save my son... what good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?'

'We can avenge them.' Oberyn told her

'Yes.' she agreed 'we can avenge them.'

'You really believe Tyrion murdered your son?' Oberyn questioned

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now