7. I'm not afraid to spank you

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When willow woke she felt an arm around her waist and a steady breath on her neck. Her eyes peeled open and her hand moved slightly to the arm around her.

Rough on the surface but he cut through like a knife.

"Good morning.' He whispered as she pulled away from him. "Tyrion's wedding today." Tywin informed her.

"Eugene will probably take a week to get back, hes slow." Willow said slipping a robe around her. "Then he will fulfill his end of the deal." Willow added stiffly.

"Are you hungry?" Tywin questioned. "You didn't eat much last night.' He recalled and she nodded. He placed a piece of cake in front of her. "We never got to eat our cake.' He remarked taking a seat and handing her a fork. She stared down at him a moment longer before she sat down grabbing the fork. He took a piece and held it up.

"A toast.' He told her and she did the same holding a piece on her fork. "To... us." Tywin offered tapping her fork with hers she chuckled but ate it.

"Cake to break our fast.' She remarked.

'You want to start every day like this?" Tywin mused and Willow nodded licking the frosting from her lips. "I'm sorry for last night."

"Let's not talk about it." Willow told him and Tywin nodded, he never ate cake for breakfast but he had hoped it would give them time to talk. Bond. "Oh... um..."
"Yes?" Tywin asked to eagerly. Willow looked him dead in the eyes.

"If any Frey men comes in my vicinity again, I want their heads on spikes." Willow told him seriously. A smiled curved on Tywin's face.

"Understood." He agreed. "I had a few more dresses made, all black." Tywin told her pointing to the wardrobe. "I can have other shades and styles, anything you want made." Tywin offered.

"I had two scratchy awful dresses at the twins." Willow told him. "I don't need much."

"Just because you lived one way your whole life, doesn't mean you have to stay in the habit, that pattern, anything you want or need... just ask." Tywin told her and she took another bite focusing on the plate.

"We have to leave for the sept soon." Tywin remarked as he got up. "Would like me to send a handmaiden in to tend-' but Willow was already chuckling. "Right, you didn't have a handmaiden you don't need one now..." Tywin realized. "If you want one..." Willow glanced back at him as she licked her fork clean. "Just ask." He told her.

"I'm self sufficient.' Willow told him as she started brushing out her hair. She usually kept it in braids, it was too long to leave down. She could cut it, some days she wanted to chop it all off, but she always thought that when she made a run for it, they would be looking for a woman with long mousey brown hair, not short. It was like a fail safe, chop it when it was time to run. So she brushed it out she sat in front of the vanity, she didn't think she liked looking at herself this early. She didn't have any mirrors at the twins. Tywin saw her face pinch.

"Something wrong?" he questioned fixing his shirt. Speechlessly she got up and covered the mirror with a blanket before sitting back down. Tywin was surprised to say the least. Cersei loved to look at herself, she loved when she was the center of attention. Willow seemed to want to fade into the background. He watched her silently as she braided her hair before moving to the wardrobe. She pulled out a different black dress a deep V line. She didn't look at Tywin as she let her robe fall and slipped into her dress. She looked down at herself centering the slit before slipping on her shoes and looking to Tywin he was still bent over tying his shoes. He couldn't stop staring at her. he had knotted his laces not paying attention.

"You forget what you are doing in your old age?" Willow teased smirking over at him. He swallowed the lump in his throat looking to his laces. A chuckle escaped his lips as he looked back up to her. "Should I meet you there?" She mused taking a step to the door.

"Just a moment please." Tywin said pulling uselessly at the knot he had made before picking a different pair of boots. "ready." Tywin assured offering his arm which she ignored as they headed out. "You look beautiful." Tywin told her and she glanced up at him. "Yesterday too. I don't know if I told you." Tywin said softly.

"Thank you.' She whispered as they took their seats.


"So Sansa was engaged to Joffrey and now she is to marry his uncle.' Willow clarified.

"Yes, but the girl is better for it.' Tywin whispered, as Willowed twirling the end of her braid in her fingers. Tywin's kept a hand on her lower back. Wanting to be closer but not wanting to push her. Willow looked up at him. "He, didn't treat her kindly after her brothers rebellion.' Tywin informed her. Willow nodded and turned back to see Joffrey marching down the aisle.

"Excuse me." Willow remarked following him down the aisle.

"Willow,' Tywin called reaching for her but she was gone.

'What are you doing?' Sansa questioned as Joffrey came up offering his arm.

'Your father is dead and I am the king so I'm everyone's father.' Joffrey said grabbing Sansa's arm. But Willow blocked their path.

"Grandson." Willow said forcing a smile. "Take a seat."

"I am walking-'

"To your seat." Willow encouraged. "Yes. Go." Joffrey stared at her. "Don't make me ask again, I'm not afraid to spank you in front of your small council.' Willow threatened and Joffrey scoffed taking a seat. "Are you alright?" Willow whispered and Sansa shook her head. "I'm sorry.'' Willow told her honestly.

"Thank you. I didn't want to... not with him. Not after everything...' sansa whimpered.

"Could you teach me one of your fancy dances later?' Willow questioned.


"I don't know any." Willow admitted. "I was never naught. Could you teach me, it will help you to procrastinate the... after wedding if you wish.' Willow told her and sansa nodded.

"We can spend the whole night practicing.' Sansa agreed. 'even into tomorrow.' She added desperately.

"Sounds like a plan." Willow agreed, gently taking sansa's arm in hers. "Just breathe, if you want me to spank him too I can. He is my son after all." Willow added and sansa half sobbed and half laughed. Tywin watched Willow comfort a stranger, protect Sansa.

As they walked down the aisle Joffrey marched up the steps taking the stool from the stage for Tyrion to stand on. He smirked back at Willow and Sansa.

"I might take him over my knee now." willow said calmly.

"Don't lose your head." Sansa begged. Willow delivered Sansa to Tyrion.

"Be good,' Willow whispered in Tyrion's ear. "Or I take your balls.' She warned a smile on her face as she stepped down the stairs. Tyrion stared after her another moment as she joined Tywin.

"You are brave." Tywin remarked.

"I don't really have a lot to live for. I find that's when you take the most risks." Willow informed him and Tywin nodded stiffly. He was hoping to change that statement. Eventually. As the ceremony went on it was time to cloak Sansa with Tyrion's protection he looked awkwardly up at her not able to reach her shoulders everyone laughed but the snigger died quickly as Tywin shot them a glare.

"The king... no wonder walder doesn't give a fuck about the capital." Willow remarked softly. Seeing how scared sansa was and willow was used as a bargaining chip to get what Joffrey wanted. Robb stark dead. Willow felt sick. It would happen soon, any day now Eugene would be getting back and tell Walder the deed was done and Willow was the Lannister's problem. Then they would send out that message to Robb stark and he would be gone too. The number of people looking out for Sansa was dwindling.

'If you could,' Tyrion said and sansa knelt down before him. He cloaked her she rose and he pressed a quick kiss to her lips very awkwardly Sansa looked like she was going to barf, pale and in pain she stared down at her sister.

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now