4. Trade?

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Shae was helping sansa change when a handmaiden came in the room

'Lady Sansa, Lord Tyrion is here to see you.' she said and shae quickly redressed the girl

'I beg your pardon my lady.' tyrion said come into the room

'I beg your pardon my lord,' sansa countered. 'I was just trying on the ground for King Joffrey's wedding.'

'Yes it should be quite a wedding I need to speak with you lady sansa.....' His eyes moved to shae.

'Of course.' Sansa agreed.

'Alone if I may?' Tyrion questioned again his gaze moving to shae. shae didn't move though she looked at Tyrion stubbornly.

'It's all right shae but I do trust her even though she tells me not to.' sansa informed Tyrion.

'Sometimes... We think we want to hear some thing it's only afterward when it is too late that we realize we wish we heard it under entirely different circumstances.' Tyrion said awkwardly.

'It's all right really.' sansa encouraged

'How to begin...' tyrion said closing the door, 'well this is awkward.'


'Golden chains...' Shae fingered the jewelry.

'You could buy a ship with this.' he offered

'Do I need to ship? Am I going somewhere?' shae questioned aggressively.

'Of course you're not going anywhere.' Tyrion reminded her

'So am I invited to your wedding?' shae teased.

'I didn't ask for this marriage I didn't want it.' Tyrion told her and shae scoffed 'This is duty not desire-'

'she is beautiful and noble.' Shae snapped.

'I don't have a choice.' he told her 'my father-'

'He does not rule the world.' shae reminded him with a laugh.

'Is this funny to you? I am Tyrion of Castlery rock I have a duty and obligation I can't just say no to him.' Tyrion pleaded

'And I am shae the funny whore.' she said sneering down at him

'I will marry Sansa Stark I will do my duty to her.'

'Will I always be a chambermaid emptying pots?'

'I swear I will not be like that-'


"I think you will find Willow is quite happy here." Tywin told Eugene.

"What did you do to her?" Eugene questioned looking past tywin to a passed out Willow on the bed.

"Nothing." Tywin told him with a slight edge to his voice. "I fed her."

"What poison?" Eugene sniggered.

"Cake." Tywin corrected.

"You don't want to start feeding them that, pa says it makes them fat and you don't want a fat bitch." Tywin stared down at him. All Frey men were despicable just like their father.

"She is not your concern, she can eat as much sweets as she wants. She can eat her whole damn cake if she wants.' Tywin told him. Willow woke in a sugary state to hear Tywin talking she kept her eyes closed as she listened. "She is to be my wife and I quite like the person she is, not just her figure like you keep fawning over.' Tywin remarked pushing him out the door closing Willow in. She stared at the door a moment longer. Maybe Tywin wasn't like everyone or maybe he was and this was all a trick. She was going to hate him. She was going to hate every second of this, because her alternative was freedom and marriage was chains and birthing spoiled little lords and ladies until the day she died. She didn't want that. therefore she couldn't listen to Tywin's kind words.

"Father... how is your marriage to Willow Frey going? Is she as excited as Sansa is?" Tyrion questioned.

"I think less so." Tywin admitted.

"Joy. Want to trade?" Tyrion offered.

"No." tywin told him simply.

"Is she pretty?" Tyrion questioned following after his father.

"Beautiful.' Tywin agreed.

"But she is..." Tyrion pushed.

'Stubborn." Tywin admitted.

"Perfect!" Tyrion declared. "I will marry the frey girl and you marry sansa. I'm already stubborn, we will work well together."

"No." Tywin said again as he made his way to his office.

"You didn't even think about it. Just consider it, why must both our wives be miserable, perhaps the Frey could be satisfied by me.' Tyrion questioned hopefully for anyone would be better than Sansa at this point.

"Tyrion, I'm going to tell you one last time. Alright? No." Tywin told him pulling his office door shut. Tyrion stared at the door for a moment before turning around. Heading back down the hall he knocked on the door and didn't hear an answer. He knocked again before peering in.

Willow was stretched out over the bed. she had never had a bed this large, clothes this fine. The clothes she was forced to wear were scratchy and tough, these clothes were soft and sparkled. She had only ever wore grey before this and now she had a wardrobe, a full wardrobe of clothes. Sweets, she got to eat whatever she wanted. Her stomach was regretting that now but she was so excited.

"Lady Willow?"

"Just Willow.' She corrected sitting up. She looked down at him. "Who are you?"

"I am Tyrion Lannister."

"Oh my son to be." She mused and Tyrion chuckled.

"Yes.' He agreed. "But I was thinking, what if you didn't have to marry my father.' Tyrion pondered.

"Walder back out of a deal? He wouldn't do that. he has too many daughters to trade." Willow told him confidently.

"No, I was just thinking.... I am to marry a woman that hates me and I figured well you met my father, so you probably hate him as well. Why not trade..." Tyrion offered hopefully and willow stared down at him.
"I don't think I get a say in the matter,' Willow informed him.

"Your father wants a Lannister, I am the best of them." Tyrion boasted. Willow debated it before shaking her head. "really?" Tyrion questioned as Alfie came in seeing the door ajar.

"Lady Willow?" He looked down to Tyrion.
"He is trying to manipulate me into marrying him. Please escort Tyrion out." Willow told Alfie kindly before flopping back into the bed.

"Right away my lady."


"You are unbelievable!" Tywin declared when Tyrion was brought in.

"Am I?' Tyrion pondered. "I was just trying to give the girl a better, younger, most handsome option." Tyrion assured him and Tywin ran a hand over his head in annoyance. "She said no for what its worth." Tyrion told him and Tywin stared down at him.

"She did?"

"You seem surprised.' Tyrion said happily.

"I am not." Tywin said slowly.

"Ha, that's why you didn't want me to talk to her.' Tyrion remarked. "You thought she would agree."

"She didn't so what does it matter?" Tywin mused.

"You are right, what does it matter?" Tyrion agreed. "She debated it though." Tyrion added. "thought long and hard about ditching you for me. but then she said she didn't have a choice in the matter so maybe if she thought she had a choice she would choose me..." Tyrion suggested.

"Get out and don't talk to Willow. Talk to your bride to be." Tywin instructed. Alfie waited silently as Tyrion left. "Keep an eye on Willow." Tywin instructed.
"Shes wiped out, sugar crash I believe my lord." Alfie told him. "Sleeping it off."

"Keep Tyrion away from her as well." Tywin told him. 

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now