8. Discipline Her

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'I heard some nasty little rumors about you nephew.' Edmure said

'Oh would you shut up about that and don't call him nephew you call him King!'

'The Lord knows I meant him no disrespect.' Edmure said stubbornly.

'You're lucky I'm not your King. I wouldn't let you wave your blunders around like a victory flag.' Robb watch the two with distaste.

'I heard that Tywins mad dog left Castlery rock with his tail between his legs. I think cause king Robb understands we're not going to win, if we're not winning any battles and there's enough glory to go around.'

'This is not about glory.' Robb informed them, 'not for me. your instructions were to wait for them to come to you.'

'I seized an opportunity.' Edmure told him pompously.

'And what of Gregor? The mountain?' Robb questioned from the window.

'The mountain was across the sea.' Edmure told them

'Is he there now?' Robb asked

'Of course not!' Edmure told him. 'We took the fight to him and he did not resurface.' Edmure went on happily.

'I wanted to draw him out! Draw him into our country! Surround him, capture him, I wanted him to chase us, as he would've done because he is a mad dog.' Robb snapped 'Without a strategic thought in his head.' Robb clarified 'I could have that head on a spike by now.' he said through clenched jaw 'instead of you...' Edmure looked to Robb bitterly. 'We took hostages,' Edmure told him nervously. 'Martin Lannister and-'

'Martin is 13 years old.' Robb told him

'He is 15 I believe.' one of his counselor spoke up

'Tywin Lannister has my sisters.' Robb said taking threatening steps towards his uncle. 'Have I sued for peace?'

'No.' he answered

'No... do you think he will sue for peace because we have his father's brothers great grandsons?' Robb countered Edmure's face pinched before he answered

'No.' he answered honestly

'How many men did you lose?' Robb demanded

'208.' Edmure answered and Robbs face dropped just a little bit. 'but for every man we lose we lost the Lannister's-'

'We need our men more than Tywin needs his!' Robb shouted

'I'm sorry.' Edmure said 'I didn't know.'

'You would have, had you've been here at this gathering and been patient.' Robb sneered from across the room.

'Seems we are running short of patience here...' Edmure said slowly.

'Do you know who isn't? Tywin Lannister.'


'So their son will be your nephew after you are wed to Joffrey of course,' Olena said 'and you'll be the king stepfather and brother-in-law when you marry the King's mother. Joffrey will become his sister-in-law and your son will be Loras nephew? grandson... I'm not sure but your brother will become your father-in-law that much is beyond dispute.' Olenna said and Loras stood up a knot in his stomach.

"Alright, this is stupid." Willow exclaimed as sansa tried to show her a simple two step.

"How did you dance?" Sansa countered. Willow was right, this was better, this was a good distraction.

"Like this." Willow rose her hands up and swayed her hips as she spun around a laugh on her lips as her head tipped back. Sansa laughed as Willow grabbed her hands spinning her around.

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now