21. Fake Tears

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"Mother!" Tyrion looked a mess.

"Hi Tyrion." Willow knelt before him.

"You are wearing a red dress today." Tyrion remarked.

"I am," she agreed passing some food and a jug of water through the cell slots.

"I have only seen you in black."

"I like black." Willow told him as he took a sip. "Are you alright?"

"Red looks good on you." Tyrion informed her.

"Tyrion, are you alright?"

"Yes, mother I am..." He sighed. "When does the trial start?"

"Day after tomorrow." Willow told him. "I know you didn't do it."

"You do?"

"You are not stupid Tyrion."

"I am not, just hated." Tyrion agreed. Willow curled a knee up to her chest, resting her chin on her knee as she stared over at him. "Thank you for visiting me." Tyrion said softly.

"I'm sorry you are in here." Willow said honestly.

"You didn't kill Joffrey. It's not your fault."

"I think Cersei thinks I did. I have been... vocal about my opinions of him." Willow reminded him. "I wouldn't be surprised if she planted some evidence making me look guilty as well."

"Nonsense, cersei wouldn't do that... she would have someone else plant evidence, she doesn't get her hands dirty." Tyrion reminded her.

"Lady Lannister."

"Oh no you are being summoned." Tyrion mused as she stood up. "Bring wine next time, wine always helps." Willow smirked back at him. 

"Lady Lannister, you are not supposed to be here." A guard said as he approached her.

"Why not? My son is in a cell, possibly going to die in a few days." Willow said sternly. "I cant speak to him? I birthed him into this world,' willow forced tears down her face. 'and you think...' more sobs, Tyrion had to bit his lip to keep from laughing as he looked between them. "my baby boy!''

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.' He said backing up. "You are right."

"Damn straight I'm right." She murmured offering Tyrion a smug smile.

"Mother... I think I love you." Tyrion admitted.

"After the work I did bringing you into this world," Willow mused. "I would hope so."

"You are... amazing."

"You got the book smarts Tyrion but I have the life experience that has keep me alive this long." Willow reminded him. "I mastered the art of fake tears a long time ago, its amazing how far men will run to avoid women's feelings."


"Willow." Tywin whispered kissing her, he had a lot of making up to do for the past few months.

"Hi," she leaned up to wrap her arms around his neck. She pressed her lips to his, biting into the bottom lip pulling him down to her, hearing his sharp intake of breath as his hand slithered around her.

So he brought his lips back to hers. Consuming her. He tilted her head back further, biting and sucking on her lips until he finally managed to break the kiss, moving his mouth to her exposed throat. He licked and sucked, bite and kiss, living for the noises coming from inside of her. She was divine. Watching her flesh turn pink drove him wild. He kissed lower, bite her clavicle, licking the top of her tits.

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