25. Not the Plan

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"I hear Oberyn is your champion." Willow remarked falling into step next to Tyrion.
"Yes." He agreed smiling up at her. "I'm glad you are here." Tyrion told her.

"I'm not here. I'm technically supposed to be up there. but I don't like Cersei." Willow admitted.

"Well thank you for not being here then." Tyrion told her. Willow grabbed his hand.

"Don't worry, its not like he is called the mountain or anything.' Willow teased. She took a step to leave but Tyrion kept hold of her hand.

"Mothers kiss it better." Tyrion reminded her and Willow knelt before him.

"I'm not kissing your severed head if Oberyn loses." Willow teased and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Don't lose!" Willow instructed Oberyn.

"That is not the plan." Oberyn assured her.
"Not the plan." Willow repeated as she stood up. "See?" she offered before heading off. Tyrion watched her go before turning back to Oberyn.

'that is very thin armor.' Tyrion noted.

'I like to move around.' Oberyn told him as he bounced around getting ready.

'You could at least wear a helmet.' Tyrion told him. 'you should not drink before a fight.' He added.

'You learn this in your vast experience in the fighting pits?' Oberyn mused. 'I always drink before a fight.' Oberyn added

'He could get you killed me killed!' Tyrion told him

'Today is not the day I die.' Oberyn said confidently.

'You are going to fight that?' Ellaria asked as Gregor approached.

'I'm going to kill that.' Oberyn corrected

'He's the biggest man I've ever seen.' Ellaria exclaimed, oberyn was skilled but the mountain was a mountain for a reason.

'Size does not matter when you're flat on your back.' Oberyn told them.

'Thank the gods.' Tyrion remarked.

'Hello love." Tywin said as she sat down next to him.

"Oberyn seems confident.' Willow remarked.

"Good." Tywin agreed stiffly.

"Stay here please love." Tywin requested.

"I was here the whole time, I have no idea what you mean." Willow retorted innocently. He kissed her again before turning back to the arena.

'In the sight of gods and men we gather to decide the innocence or guilt of this man, Tyrion Lannister may the mother bring him mercy and the father justice as he deserves may the warrior guide the hand...' the maester said as the bells went off, Tywin waving them to start, the maester bowed before them leaving. Gregor pulled his blade free as Oberyn kissed Ellaria

'Don't leave me alone in this world.' Ellaria told him

'Have they told you who I am?" oberyn questioned gregor.

"Some dead man!" Gregor Clegane snarled at him before he attacked Oberyn.

"I am the brother of Elia Martell. Do you know why I have come all the way to this stinking, shit-pile of a city? For you. I'm going to hear you confess before you die. You raped my sister. You murdered her. You killed her children. Say it now and we can end this quick." They kept fighting, Oberyn managed to knock off Gregor's helmet. Ellaria jumped up excited as oberyn got the upper hand.

"Say it. You raped her. You murdered her. You killed her children. You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!" Oberyn circled around gregor, oberyn was light on his feet. Gregor was tiring quickly, dodging his charges, parries his swings and stabbing back, while taunting him repeatedly to confess about killing Elia and her children. Gregor managed to knock Oberyn several times off his feet and cut his spear into half. Oberyn avoided Gregor's blows with amazing swiftness, and grabbed a replacement spear from his squire.

'Come on, come on, come on...' Ellaria said jumping and clapping nervously, tywins eyes drifted to Willow her focus on the fight, as she bit at her lip nervously. Cersei's face started to twitch with annoyance as her champion was losing, Tyrion looked surprised and relieved by Oberyn's skill, no one expected the dornish prince to win, not against the mountain.

'COME ON OBERYN!" Ellaria cheered. Again, Gregor knocked Oberyn off his feet, but Oberyn once again gets out of the way of his blows and stabbed Gregor in the chest. Gregor stumbled away dazed, but quickly recovered with a new burning passion.

"Wow." Willow remarked.

"He is quite good." Tywin agreed running a hand along her thigh as she watched Oberyn. She was never one for fights but this was turning out to be an interesting match.

"You raped her! You murdered her!" Gregor charged. Oberyn avoided his blow and cutting gregor down, slicing at his leg, gregor dropped to his knees. Gregor groaned and moaned out in pain and kneeling down before him. "You killed her children!" Oberyn charged again, burying his spear in Gregor's stomach, pinning him to the floor and causing gregor to cough blood. Cersei was furious and frustrated, while Tyrion, and Ellaria were hopeful, thinking that the duel was almost over. But Oberyn refused to let Gregor die without confessing. He circled Gregor furiously.

"Wait, are you dying? No, no, no. You can't die yet. You haven't confessed." Oberyn pulled his spear from Gregor's body. "Say it. Say her name. Elia Martell. You raped her. You killed her children. Elia Martell." Oberyn pointed accusingly at Tywin, Wilows face scrunched up as she looked between them.

"What is he talking about?" Willow whispered.

"No idea love." Tywin told her stiffly his grip on her tightened just slightly.

"Who gave you the order? WHO GAVE YOU THE ORDER?'

'Kill him!' Ellaria demanded.

'Say her name! You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children! Say it! Say her name!" they waited anxiously for Oberyn to finish off Gregor. Oberyn smiled over at Ellaria.

"Say it!" Oberyn demanded but he got too close to Gregor. Gregor tripped him over. A gasp escaped Ellaria's lips as Oberyn started to get up, but Gregor grabbed his throat and punched him in the mouth, breaking his teeth. Ellaria screamed out for her lover. Willow's eyes went wide as she grabbed Tywin's hand. Oberyn slumped down stunned, his mouth bleeding.

Gregor was on top of Oberyn, grabbing his head with his massive hands, forcing his large thumbs into Oberyns eyes, gouging them. Oberyn screamed in agony.

'"Elia Martell!' Gregor said finally. 'I killed her children! Then I raped her! Then I smashed her head in like this!" Gregor Clegane roared with laughter, then crushed Oberyn's skull between his huge fists with a sickening thump. Ellaria screamed out in horror.

Gregor, severely injured, collapsed next to his dead opponent. A stunned silence swept over the crowd. But a smirk appeared on a very triumphant Cersei. Tyrion closed his eyes, unable to believe that his champion was killed so close to victory. Tywin stood turning to the crowd. Ellaria sobbed, falling to her knees. Willow stared back at Tyrion he looked pale, his champion lost, that was the end of that. Willow felt sick, Tyrion was her friend, he couldn't just...

"The gods have made their will known. Tyrion Lannister, in the name of King Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of his Name, you are hereby sentenced to death."

Tyrion couldn't speak, he stared in astonishment at Oberyn's dead body but looking up to Willow her sad face stared down at him. 

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