24. Undress

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"Today is the day." Willow didn't want to get out of bed. she stood up twisting her feet on the cold floor. Because when the day started, the trial by combat started and she would much rather stay in bed and forget anything else out of this moment. It was like Tywin could read her mind. He reignited their kiss. She moaned into his mouth as he picked her up with ease, and she coiled her legs around his waist, running her hands through his hair she snaked her arms around his neck and held him tight. They explored each other's mouths with desperation. Before Willow knew it Tywin had dropped her onto the bed, her nightdress gathered at her hips and waist, revealing black lace panties guarding her core. She pushed herself further onto the bed.

Tywin wasted no time undressing again, with a small laugh as she eyed his erection and inhaled sharply. Tywin climbed over her slowly, drinking in the sight of her below him. He kissed from her lips to her chin and along her jawline. His teeth grazed her supple skin as he hungrily devoured her, covering her jaw and neck in kisses.

His hands explored the silky fabric of her dress, wrapping around her back he slowly pulled the garment over her body and up above her head. Tywin kissed down from her neck to her breasts, sucking and scraping at the skin on her collarbones.

She tangled her fingers in his dark hair she pushed him into her breasts where he kissed at skin as he pressed his face between her breasts, kissing down her sternum he made his way to her stomach, where his nose tickled her sensitive spots, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake as he kissed and sucked at her delicate skin.

"Tywin," she whined as her body trembled at his teasing and ticklish touch. His lips curved into a small smile against the skin of her toned abdomen before moving lower, running his hands down her sides he hooked a finger in her pantie at both hips and slowly pulled down her last item of clothing, he ran the lacey fabric down over her smooth legs and pulled it from her feet. Slowly he lowered himself to her cunt, parting her legs with his hands she obliged instantly, opening wide for him as sunk his face between her legs. Willow gasped as Tywin placed a delicate kiss upon her entrance, and then upon her clitoris. He placed another, and another, the kisses deepening as he sucked upon her little bud, causing her to gasp and squirm beneath him her head falling back into the pillow. She could forget everything outside of this moment. His hands held her hips firmly, stopping her from wriggling away from his kisses.

"Sssstop teasing me!" Willow pleaded, as she gripped the sheets with white knuckles.

"Stop being so impatient... all the time in the world." Tywin murmured against her folds. His tongue caressed, licked and swirled.

'Do we?' Willow's face grew hot, a burning tension building in her abdomen, it built, built, and built until Tywin rewarded Willow with her release. She shivered, trembled and shuddered, her legs shaking beneath his hold as she rode the waves of her orgasm, moaning and whimpering helplessly in his grasp.

Tywin pulled back as Willow's orgasm faded and her labored breaths steadied into slow and heavy pants for air. He crawled up onto her, his eyes tracing every curve of her body, committing them to memory. He rests an elbow by her face and stroked down her now tangled brown locks spilling down the bed. Her cheeks glowed pink, her skin illuminated with a layer of sweat. She had never looked more beautiful than that moment, completely undone and vulnerable beneath him. He kissed her delicately on her full pink lips, and Willow sighed into the kiss, relinquishing herself to him yet again.

Tywin steadied his cock at her entrance, rubbing the head against her soaked folds, earning a gasp from Willow. With a groan he entered her, pushing all the way in with one slow thrust, parting her walls inch by inch. Willow moaned pulling him to her. Her breathy release followed by whimpers and whines as he stretched her around him.

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now