20. Darkness can be Alluring

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"Willow." Tywin said softly as he opened their chamber door.

"Tywin." She repeated with the same stoic expression before a smile cracked on her face.

"About what you heard...' he didn't know what to say or what to ask.

"You know my unfortunate bloodline, you know how fucked up they are." Willow told him. "I'm the last person to judge."

"I honestly didn't know." Tywin told her.

"Sometimes ignorance is bliss.''

"I don't like being in the dark on things, even as... despicable as that." Tywin muttered.

"The darkness can be alluring.' Willow remarked her hands trilling along her black dress.

"You're beautiful. You're strong. You're full of light. I enjoy being with you, Willow." Tywin told her.

"I feel like I'm invisible here sometimes." She admitted. "It's easier to hide in the shadows."

"I would be impossible not to notice you, Willow." And suddenly she was pulling him down to her, her lips on his. He kissed her, drowning all her senses with his lingering words, his intoxicating taste, his powerful body flesh to hers as she pulled at his clothes, her dress crumpled to her feet.

She embraced him with the burden of passion. Something he had been wanting and craving since he met her and she was finally ready give him that power of her.

He took her into a hungry kiss. She could feel his thick member bobbing against her inside thigh, causing her to whimper against his lips. She wanted him, no, she needed him. Needed him buried inside her, deep and without mercy she needed him to take her.

"Tell me you need me." Tywin demanded against her swollen lips. His attention drew elsewhere as he kissed down her chin, to her jaw and moved to her neck where he placed hungry kisses and light bites on her flesh.

"Please Tywin, I need you... please I need you so badly." She begged.

"Need me to what?" He smirked against her neck making her laugh.

"I need you to make love to me, take me, fuck me," She whimpered impatiently. He just had to be sure. But Tywin needed no more elaboration. With one hand he guided himself to her waiting entrance, she was soaked for him, needy for him. He pushed himself in, in one quick deliberate thrust, and Willow's eyes rolled back in her head as she was filled with pain and pleasure all at once, she lavished in the feeling. A quivering moan escaped her mouth and she drew a sharp breath. Tywin grunted at the feeling, of finally laying with her again, of feeling her tight soaking walls around himself.

He pulled out slowly and thrust in her body again and she whimpered breathily in response, her hands wrapped around his back, her nails dragging against his skin.

"Mmm... please." She begged as he took her, his pace grew faster and soon the rolling of his hips into hers had her crying out, begging for release. His hips rolled against her slowly, rhythmically, sensually, she rocked against him with shaky breaths. She wrapped her legs around his waist, gripping them over his hips as he pushed in deeper, his cock hitting into her repeatedly, the pounding sensation and the sound of wet, smacking flesh built a heat within her.

"I'm g-getting close, so close." She told him in quivering pants. Tywin too was nearing his climax.

"Then let us come undone together my love, I want you to fall apart with me." He groaned above her. Love she repeated but the word was drowned out. She arched into him, she was so very close.

Willow // Tywin Lannister (1)Where stories live. Discover now