19. Oh god

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Wow I don't even know what to say to that for real but good news everyone!!!!

Someone's having a baby!
Here's an update!


Of course everything wasn't fine and dandy. Liam got over his nightmares but the hospital bills came in. And sure zayn had a good job and everything but those hospital bills just... Sigh.

Liam wasn't too worried because zayn had always been the one to worry about bills and work and stuff. Liam was the domestic one. Sure he helped out and so did olive but they didn't have jobs so it was harder for zayn.

Liam did his best and trying to relax him and even offered to get a job but zayn quickly said no.

"It's fine babe I got this" he would always say.

Only he doesn't got it because bills are slowly piling up.

Oh boy.

"Let's get jobs" Liam told olive when zayn had left for work. He was getting worried, zayn was getting noddy and Liam tried not to take it personally. Sometimes he just felt like he wasn't doing enough.

"Right?! I've been looking actually and I met this guy named Ed and he works at a bar so he can get me a job" she tells him, Liam nods excitedly.

"I don't think that's really your scene though so I'll help you find something" she pinched his cheek and he nods.

This will be good, he thinks, I'll be helping.


The next day when zayn leaves olive and Liam get ready. Olive starts work in a week so that Ed can teach her how to make some drinks. Liam's sure she'll get lots of tips. She's pretty.

"Alright let's get a newspaper first" she says.

"Newspaper? Those are still a thing?" He asks.

She just gives him an annoyed glance and smacks the back of his head.

"Yes now look" she says getting the one that was thrown on their lawn.

"Ok what kind of job does my little Liam want" she mutters to herself looking through the pages.

Liam just stands and watches her do her magic.

"Ok this one isn't too far so let's go there" she tugs on his hand and leads him there.

He's already nervous


They get home just in time for zayn to walk in the door. He's got a frown on his face and Liam doesn't like it.

"Hey you alright?" Liam asks gently, hopefully zayn isn't too upset. He can usually calm him down better when he's not as mad.

"Mhm" and then he's in the bedroom. Liam rubs his chest a little to soothe the ache. He tries to tell himself not to be too affected.

"You alright?" Olive hugs him and Liam just nods. He's sure if he speaks his voice will give away too much.

"Yeah let's just uh.. Watch a movie and chill" he sits her down on the couch and goes to get some ice cream while she picks a movie.

It's ok Liam it's all ok, he tells himself.


Liam finally gets a job, though it's more like volunteering because it's at a library. He never noticed it was there. Which is kind of sad because Liam loves books.

"Hello this young man would like a job" olive says to the boy, man?, at the front desk.

He's got ginger hair in a finge and glasses. He's cute, Liam thinks. Not like that though!

"Oh-uh I-I uh I don't well .. Ok?" He blushes and olive coos Liam knows she's reaching for his cheek so he holds her hand.

"No need to be shy anyways bye Liam!" She walks away.

"Wait how do I.. Get.. Back" he pouts because they drove here and now he's gonna have to walk all the way home. Not that it's far he's just kind of lazy.

There's a tap on his shoulder and he comes face to face with the boy.

"Um.. I'm Matt and uh I guess I'll just teach you what to do.." He trails off.

"Oh ok I'm Liam" liam notices now how short he is. Not as small as louis but close.

Now I can help, Liam thinks excitedly.


"Bye!" Liam waves to Matt who dropped him off at his and zayns, and olive, flat.

"See you tomorrow?" He blushes and then drives off. Liam smiles, Matt is so nice.

He heads inside and to the kitchen where zayn is sitting.

"Who was that?" He asks not looking up.

"Who? Oh Matt! He's a friend I met today" Liam lies, technically it's not though because they are friends.

"And your seeing him again tomorrow?" He still doesn't look up.

"Well.. Yeah why?" Zayn just shakes his head and gets up. He walks down the hall and Liam hears the door slam shut.

Oh god..



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