5. The boys

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Sorry if there's mistakes


"Ok ok this is it just" inhale "breathe" exhale.

It's now the day that he gets to see the boys. His palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy there's vomit on his swe-.... Anyways he's meeting the boys and he's kind of a lot nervous. It's been so so long and he could just throw up.

He's definitely change, in a good way, and he wonders if they've changed. Obviously they have but he hopes they aren't assholes. Another thing he hopes is that louis and harry are still together because they are goals. He already saw niall and he still seems the same. But then again they only talked for about an hour and half of that was spent with niall crying.

Anyways he's supposed to be on his way to Nialls flat already. Niall didn't tell the boys anything they decided to just make it a surprise visit. Hopefully none of them hate him.

"Ok ok OK" he rubs his face and calms his breathing. He grabs his keys, locks his door and walks to the bus stop.

"Please let this go good"


This is it. I'm finally going to get to see my boys after so long. He's been standing in front of the door for so long. He's excited and nervous and he feels like throwing up but he has to do this. So he knocks.

"OH MY GOD" niall yells. He wanted to be 'surprised' too when I came around. I guess he didn't want anyone to feel bad or something.

He pulls liam into a big hug and walks them inside still hugging. Yep same niall. Nialls laughing in his ear which makes him laugh and then he sees the boys.

"Uh.. Hello lads" he waves biting his lip. It's so quiet and he notices that Perrie is there too. He doesn't hate her, why should he, he doesn't even know her. Plus this is a new start.

"Liam" Louis is now hugging him crying brokenly and he thinks that Louis crying is definitely heart breaking. He should've brought tissues.

"Hey no don't cry why are you crying smile please oh god" liam rubs his chest where his heart is. He always does that now. He pulls back from the hug and wipes Louis' tears away. He looks good, even though he's only wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"I missed you so much" he whispers.

"Ugh no now I'm gonna cry" he rubs his eyes a little.

Harry stands next and then Louis is walking over to niall. Weird. He's positive louis would've been in harrys arms by now.

"It's been so long" Harry whispers in his ear while they hug. He's like an inch or two taller than liam and he laughs.

"Jesus your a giant Harry" he says and they both laugh and that's good because he doesn't want anymore sad people. He pulls back and pats his back. So far so good.

Zayn is still sitting with Perrie. Ugh why does he have to be difficult. So liam walks up to zayn and pulls him up and hugs him. He doesn't feel any magic spark just warmth. It's been a while and he had time to think. He'll always love zayn, zayn will just never love him more than a friend.

"Zayn" he hugs tighter "why aren't you hugging me back" he pulls back. Zayns just looking, his eyes racking every inch of his face. Then he's crushing liam and whimpering and no now he's crying.

"Oh ok ok it's ok no need for tears" he chuckles looking at the other boys. He just sighs and hugs him back. And maybe they hug a little longer but no one says anything. And now Perrie.

"Hello Perrie it's been a while how are you" he shakes her hand and kisses her cheek. She just nods.

They all sit and it's silent. This is weird.. Really weird. He looks at louis and he's sitting with niall. Harry is sitting next to me and Perrie and zayn are sitting together. Something's not right here.

"Um so how have you guys been? Anything new happen?" He asks them. Louis is the first to talk.

"It's been... Good" his voice cracks a little on the 'good' "I don't think anything has really changed.. Maybe some little things" he whispers. Harry snorts and louis bites his lip.

"Oh a lot has changed actually" he starts "Perrie and zayn are fucking, louis doesn't do anything which I guess that hasn't changed, niall is still the same except he gets wasted every time he can and well I guess I'm the only normal one here" Liam's jaw drops at the way Harry said everything. What's happened to him.

"Woah woah woah I'm not fucking Perrie she's my girlfriend and don't talk about Lou like that or niall" zayn almost yells and liam can't help but shiver. Not in a good way, it brings back a faint memory but he shakes his head.

"Wait wait!" I say loudly "louis and Harry aren't together anymore" no no no this isn't what was supposed to happen. His eyes burn and louis just shakes his head with a small broken smile.

"Oh my poor baby" I sit next to him and cuddle him close. These boys are just... I don't know.

"What?! He's not a baby he caused this I ca-" Harry yells.

"SHUT UP" I yell. "Oh god I'm sorry I just ugh I just don't like yelling I'm sorry ugh my poor boys what's happened?" I look at them all. This isn't how they were. I may have been gone but I was certain they would all be well and taken care of.

"Please let's just I don't we'll just talk about this later or something" I shrug still holding Louis. He seems absolutely shattered.

"Anyways how have you been liam" niall questions and I'm sure they've all been dying to know.

"Well.. After all of.. That.. Stuff happened back in high school um.. He went to jail and I uh went home and well.. Things were bad" he chuckles feeling his eyes sting "you know it was hard staying in that house and I couldn't... Couldn't do it so I-i did some things a-and well I ended up in this special center where they helped me" he wipes a single tear away and clears his throat "I'm fine now thank god, I'm healthy and ok and I can live my life happily now and I am thankful for all the help I got" liam finishes at that because he doesn't think he'll be able to continue.

They all look heart broken but that's not what he wants.

"Stop no tears I want to see smiles come on" he urges looking at them all.

"Ok so zayn it's been a while so tell me how's it been" I urge trying to lighten the mood. He looks at everyone and then Perrie.

"Well after school was over me and uh Perrie got together and we live together and stuff... I work at a comic book store and yeah I guess" he shrugs looking down at his lap. I roll my eyes. Next.

"And you Lou how's it been" I smile lightly. He sings and clears his throat.

"Well uh I got my own flat and I have a cat she doesn't really have a name and well nothing has really happened, still the same for me except-" louis gets cute off by Harry and NOPE this isn't going to be good.

"Except I'm not there to do everything for him he's a fu-" this is ridiculous so I cut him off before he can even finish.

"Hey you stop that now do you hear me cut it out what is wrong with you do you not see that he's upset an crying?! Cut it out or I'm leaving and I'm taking niall and louis with me! Stop talking to your friends like that do you hear me" Liam sounds like a mom but in this case he has to because otherwise they won't listen. Plus he kind of likes it.

"Thanks Li" niall says squeezing my hand. I just nod.

"This is definitely not what I expected but I'm hoping the rest of you know better than to talk to each other like this" I say sternly.

"You sound like my mum" Harry groans.

"Good maybe then you'll learn" I say to him.

This is definitely not what He expected

[thanks so much for the lovely comments gaah you all make me so happy. I hope this didn't suck. Love you all]

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