20. Your favorite

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Remember when my chapters where long :////

Also your favorite person is back ;)

It's about to go down in the next couple of chapters so be prepared


For the next week Liam is carful to leave after Zayn leaves for work and come back before he does. Olive has just started her job and she's made some good tips. Liam's so proud of her. In a weird way.

Anyways, sometimes Liam isn't as lucky..

One day he had came home 30 minutes after Zayn. It wasn't really a big deal but for some reason Zayn didn't like it.

"Where were you?" Zayn asks when Liam gets home a little later than usual. He just lost track of time while at the library. Matt was showing him funny videos and he didn't realize Zayn was already home.

"Uh sorry I was with Matt" Liam shrugs taking his shoes off and sitting next to Zayn in the couch.

"Why are you always with him?" He doesn't seem mad but Liam can tell he's annoyed, he has no idea why.

"Because we're friends?" He says.

"Well you just-never mind I'm going out" and then he puts his shoes on grabs his wallet and walks out.

Olive comes out moment later. She sits next to him and holds Liam for a while, she knows he won't say anything so she just holds him together for a while.

"Did I do something wrong..." He whispers.

"No honey of course not your so great" she reassures squeezing him a little more and kissing his cheek.

"I'll be home at around 11 and we'll watch criminal minds ok?" She asks and he nods.

And soon he's alone.


"IM HOME LETS PARTY!" Olive bursts through the door causing Liam to scream and drop a plate he was getting.

"Olive no yelling!" He scolds, he feels like her mom... Oh... Maybe not.

"Sorry Lima now come on I bought snacks and all the seasons from Walmart" she dumps the snack on the coffe table and out the first season in the DVD player.

"How did you buy that? And why did you call me Lima?" He asks after cleaning the broken plate.

"Girl I got money" she says pulling him down on the couch and ignoring his other question. Her plan is to make Liam forget about the whole Zayn thing.

"You ready for no sleep?" She smiles big at him and Liam can't help but feel happy. He's so glad he met olive. She's so caring and nice, she's like a sister to him.

"Your such a great friend" he hugs her tightly before letting go and pressing play.

"Thank Lima but now it's criminal minds time" she punches his shoulder and sits focusing completely on the show.

She's so great.


It's 3 am when Zayn gets back and he's drunk. Liam's never really seen him drunk, well he has but not completely wasted like he is now. His shirt isn't buttoned and his zipper is open, he's stumbling all over the place and Liam tries not to react to badly.

"Oh hell no" olive says angrily pausing the show and stomping towards Zayn who's leaning against the wall.

"Get your ass over here" she takes him by the hair and yanks him throughout the flat until the reach the bathroom. By the time Liam gets there the cold water is on and he pushes Zayn in. He yelps at the cold water and tries to get out but she just pushes him until he falls on his butt.

"Get yourself together and then you can come out!" She shouts in his face and he winces covering his ears. She's livid. Liam makes sure not to get in the way. Maybe this is mean...

"What the hell let me go!@ Zayn shouts trying to get up.

"Shut the hell up" she rolls her eyes and turns to Liam her expression softening. "Lima can you go lay down on my bed please" he just nods and exits the bathroom.

Oh boy...


When their all eating breakfast Zayn glares at olive the whole time. She just ignores him and makes sure to take extra care of Liam.

"Let's go to the mall later ok?" She asks picking up his plate and setting it in the sink.



It's quiet

"Excuse me?" Olive puts her hands on her hips and glares at Zayn. Oh no..

"Liam's not going anywhere" he glares right back. This has never happened before.. Liam's getting a little worried.

"Well you left last night so now we're leaving for the day" she flips her hair and walks out of the kitchen.

Zayn glares at the entrance and then turned to Liam, his face doesn't soften like olives.

"Your not going" he says angrily poking his plate up and setting it in the sink.

"But-but... I wanna go" Liam trails off.

"Well your not and that's final" he practically yells and Liam flinches hard.

"What the hell is wrong with you ugh god get over yourself" olives storms in and grabs Liam. She leads him to the door and tells him to meet her in the parking lot.

"I don't know what your issue is but get your ass together because I will not let you hurt him do you understand?!" She pushes him into the wall, holding him by the collar of his shirt. They glare for a while before she lets go and walks back outside.

"Alright let's go my little Lima bean" she smiles big and Liam feels a little better.


By the time they get home they each have 4 bags of clothes and big smiles on their faces.

Until they notice whose in the living room. Sitting next to Zayn and smirking is perrie.

"Hello" she waves.

"Oh hell no" olive growls.


[SHIIIIIIIT ok so a lot has happened. I'm learning Korean, children are on the way, my dog is really sick and they made my baby TAEHYUNG cry. Anyways enjoy the drama. ]

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