6. Reid

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Sam smith came out and I'm so happy.

[i asked my brother about the last name and that's the first thing he said so don't judge..] *cackles*


"I'm here to see olive" he tells the lady at the front desk. It's a different lady and she looks kind of mean. She's looking at him up and down with a look of distaste.

"Who?" She gives him a look.

"Um.. Olive?" He repeats unsurely. Everyone knows who olive and liam are. She must be new.

"Yeah I heard you the first time kid I meant what's her last name" she snaps causing him to flinch slightly. Woah lady excuse me.

"Olive crew" he shrinks a little when she sighs, obviously irritated by him. Jeez lady.

"Yeah she'll be down whenever" she goes back to whatever she was doing before. He stands there for a while just looking at her weirdly before walking to the meeting room.

He waits for a while and stands when olive runs in and hops on the table wrapping her arms and legs around him. She's like a monkey. He's so lucky to have met her.

"Guess what?!" She squeals in his ear making him wince.

"What what?!" He says setting her down on the table. She sits pulling her legs to her chest. She's smiling so big and now he's anxious.

"Ok ok so like ok so" she squeals shaking her head "okay ok liam ok so like" scream "they said if I've improved by next week I might be able to leave in a couple of weeks!" She throws herself at him again.

"Oh my-" he cries because he's a softy now and well she's his best friend. He can't wait, they'll be inseparable for real now.

"I know I could cry" and she is but she giggles anyways.

"Live with me" liam says and it's not even a question but she nods and hugs him tighter.

He's already thinking about all the good times their going to have. Liam can already tell she'll be great friends with Louis. They're both loud and sassy when they need to be. This is such great news he feels like he might explode.

"I can't wait to get out its been forever since I've eaten good pizza" she says and liam laughs.

"I promise we'll get some as soon as your out I'll come get you and everything" he kisses her cheek and they stay hugging.

"Thanks Li your the greatest friend I've ever had" olive shakily says.


Liam took olive's advice and visited louis afterwards. He had told her everything that had happened. She laughed but she seemed to hate Harry a lot. She's never really liked him since liam first talked about him.

He had to call niall but he's here now with a teary eyed lou. He looks like a kicked puppy, all pouty and watery eyes.

"What happened?" He asks taking Louis' hand in reassurance. For a while he just sits there. Sniffling and breathing profoundly.

"I guess he just.. Doesn't want me anymore Li" he cried pitifully. Tiny whimpers escaping his slightly parted lips.

"That's not true lou he loves you more than anything in this entire world" liam nods firmly.

"But he left.. What did I do wrong? I thought we would be together forever liam" he lets out a sob that has my heart breaking "it's been like almost a year and he still comes to our home and says these-these things I don't even know what I did!" He wails. Oh god please help me. Liam feels his eyes sting too but he shakes his head. Pulling Louis into a hug he rocks them slightly until he's calm enough.

"Listen you should talk to him and try to fix it ok" he pulls away and looks at him "I know he'll be mean but you guys love each other.. It'll be ok and if it's not you come to me ok?" He questions. Louis nods and wipes his face clean.

"Come on let's go get ice cream" I pull him up and take his hand not giving him enough time to protest.


Now they're at Liam's and Louis' trying not to choke on his Ice cream. They have about 3 empty tubs in front of them and they're watching criminal minds. Liam's talking about how sexy Reid is.

"Stop or I'll throw up on you" louis says trying to swallow his ice cream. He keeps laughing and it's hard

"Ok ok.. But seriously ugh yEESSS REID YEEESSSSS!" Liam yells at the tv and lou can't take it so he spits the ice cream out and laughs.

"Oh my god why" he's laughing so loud and liam mentally cheers. Mission accomplished.

"Eww you better clean that up" he says "with your tongue" he laughs.

"You thought" he gets up and walks into Liam's kitchen to get paper towels. He walks over to the couch and cleans it up, even though there's a chocolate stain.

"Great look what you've done" Liam playfully hits his shoulder making Louis laugh more.

"Sorry I can't help it" he giggles trying to seem as innocent as possible.

"Yeah yeah-OH! I forgot to tell you but they might let olive leave in a few weeks" he bounces on the couch cushions slightly.

"Really?! I can't wait to meet her she sounds so great" and now they're both bouncing on the couch.

Liam couldn't be happier.


[someone commented how they love olive and liam so I put some there yay! Comment some more please! Love you all so much.]

{also thinking of starting a larry book. Thoughts?}

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