2. Mum

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It's the next day and he feels great. Everything is so calm and relaxing. It's spring time, may, and the birds are chirping, sun shining.

He gets up and walks over to his closet. It has all his old clothes in it. Obviously the clothes won't fit anymore. Back then he was skinny, he's gotten more muscle now and his weight it normal. He feels so proud of himself. He was so weak and small and hurt and now he's happy and healthy and great.

He walks into the bathroom setting his clothes and towel on the counter. He strips and steps into the warm water.

'This is nice' he thinks. He looks down at his arms. Practically covered in scars. Tracing them lightly his chest feels a little tight. He's not ashamed of them. He is who he is. What happened, happened. All that he cares about now is that he's well and alive.

When he's done he steps out and dries himself. He brushes his teeth and puts his clothes on. Their tight so he leaves only he doesn't have a car so he walks to the bus stop and waits.

It's been a long time since he's been out. At the center they weren't allowed to leave, only going in the back yard and the garden. He looks around and half the people walking are usually on their phones.

I wonder what I've missed?

The bus pulls up and he's off. When he gets off he has to walk a little but he doesn't mind.

This is going to take a while.


"Hello?" His mum answers. He's been debating on calling her. They didn't visit or write him so he doesn't know what to expect from her.

"Mum hello" he says cheerily. Her breath hitches "I was wondering if I could come over?" He questioned, smile never faltered.

"Um.. Uh l-liam I-I um yeah ok" she says and he grins wider. He says bye sending a kiss.

She still lives in the same house. He's only slightly nervous when he gets there. Only because of the house. So many memories, he shudders a little but keeps walking. As he's walking he sees his neighbor, well used to be, she's in her garden and she looks up. He waves.

"Oh my- Liam is that you?" She gets up and walks over embracing him. He hugs back of course, it'd be rude not too.

"Yes how have you been you look lovely" he compliments.

"Oh I've been great thank you" she smiles "how um how have you been im.. I'm sorry about what happened" she whispers the last part.

"No it's fine I'm ok I mean I'm better so it's good" he smiles. They say goodbye and part ways.

Here goes nothing.

He knocks and the door opens. She looks tired but she looks good. He smiles big pulling her in for a hug.

"Oh I missed you mummy" she squeezes her and pulls away.

"How's it been" he walks in and he's suddenly cold. Everything is so... He doesn't know. His chest and lungs feel kind of tight. He clears his throat and takes deep breathes. He feels a little warm now. Not in a good way.

"Liam I-I'm.. So sorry" she says close to tears. He shrugs, small smile but opens his arms for her.

So many people are crying.

"Ssh it's ok mummy I'm ok see" he pulls back smoothing her hair "I'm ok and so are you and so is Jessica" he nods hugging her again.

She nods. That's all she can do. She didn't do enough before and her baby boy had to suffer because of it.

How could she have let this happen?

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