11. Buns hun

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Don't hate me..


"I'm here to pick up olive please" Liam is so happy. Olive is finally getting out and she'll be living with him.

"She's actually waiting for you now" the lady laughs.

He runs into the meeting room and is immediately met with olive. She's holding onto him like a koala bear.

"Cmon lets get out of here" she yells excitedly smacking his bum repeatedly.

He laughs and grabs her book bag. Running outside and to his car. Olive sits in the passenger seat and he drives out towards his home.

"This is going to be so great I can't wait until you meet everyone" Liam is practically squealing with excitement.

"I know! Oh let's go get pizza!" She screams and since he loves her so much he goes to the nearest pizza place.

"I'll go get it and we'll eat at home ok?" He gets out when she nods and walks inside.


"This is so good oh god yes!" Liam laughs as olive moans over her pizza.

"Stop it I'm gonna throw up" he laughs coughing when he chokes on his pizza a little bit.

They're sitting on the couch watching criminal minds. Liam managed to get her hooked on it already. They truly are best friends.

"So when do I meet your friends" she asks during a commercial break.

"Um I don't know whenever you want" Liam shrugs.

"Right now!" She bounced excitedly.

"Are you sure? I mean you just got here" he questions.

"Yes yes go cmon I don't have all day" Liam laughs because she does have all day. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls the boys.

This should be good.


He calls all the boys excitedly explaining how olive is here and she wants to meet them.

He's a little hesitant on calling zayn but he does it anyways.

"Li" its whispered and there's so many emotions in just that. Liam can't help but clutch his t-shirt in his hand. It's been a while..

"Zayn I... Olive is out and she.. We .. I-she wants to meet all of you" Liam clears his throat.

"Yeah of course"

And that was it.

The first person to get there is Louis.

"Olive this is Louis" Liam introduced them to each other.

"Woah! Your bum really is big" she gapes making Louis blush and punch Liam.

"Thanks" Louis says turning sideways for a better view.

That went surprisingly well.

Harry arrived after that and olive tried to ignore him as much as possible.

"I'm Harry" he stuck his hand out for a shake but she just rolled her eyes and turned back to Louis.

"Olive" Liam gives her a look.

She groans loudly "ok fine hello Harold there are you satisfied" she says sassily and Louis praises her.

"Be nice" Liam says making her roll her eyes.

Niall and zayn(and perrie) get there at the same time. Olive hugs Niall weirdly and shakes zayns hand, eyeing him up and down. Damn she mouths at Liam and he rolls his eyes but mouths back I know! Olive sneers at perrie though and Liam tries not to laugh.

"Ok well this is my best friend olive" Liam smiles at her, she winks.

"Yes we know now I'm gonna eat this if you don't mind" Niall reaches for a pizza slice making everyone laugh.

They all sit and talk for a while. They never ask about the center which they are both grateful for.

They all sit and talk. It's nice, everyone seems to be enjoying olive and Liam is happy. Everyone is smiling and laughing and for a while he forgets about all the bad. Forgets And has fun.

Liam can't believe he's friends with these amazing people.


It's not until dinner time that perrie decides to stand. Making a show of clearing her throat and making zayn stand up too. Uh oh.

"We have an announcement" she smiles. She's wearing a fury purple vest with purple lipstick on. It definitely got everyone's attention when she walked in.

"Boo!" Olive yells and Niall burst into his loud laugh making everyone laugh except perrie and zayn. Now Liam's really nervous.

"Anyways" perrie hisses glaring at everyone. Especially Liam.

"we have an announcement" she looks to zayn.

"Shall I or do you want to?" She asks

"Well I think we sho-"

"I'm pregnant!"

Niall chokes

Louis spills his drink

Harry gasps

Liam's heart stops

And olive screams "bullshit!"

Perrie looks offended and looks to zayn who looks away and takes a deep breath. He tries to talk again but his eyes meet Liam's and his heart stops too.

Zayn opens and closes his mouth but nothing comes out. He can't imagine what Liam feels right now. Zayn never meant for this to happen.

Liam can't even function properly. His heart hurts, he actually physically feels pain. It's in his chest then crawls through his veins and his fingertips burn. His throat hurts and he want to scream so loud.

He want to yell and throw things. He wants to cry, God he wants to cry so bad. He want to reach for his fork and stab his chest because he's pretty sure that'll be less painful than what he's feeling now.

His eyes are burning and red and he can't see because it's so blurry and he blinks and suddenly the tears won't stop.

They keep coming and coming and he feels like he could drown in them because they just keep coming.

They keep coming and he's shaking so bad and then he's in the living room being held. Arms around him but not the ones he wants.

He feels completely shattered...

"You should leave like right now goodbye" olives pushing them out the door when she sees Liam. Zayn tries to look at Liam. He sees the tears and then the door is slammed harshly in his face.




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