Chapter Sixteen: Lies

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{Zayn's POV}

Perfect shouldn't be a word of description. The word perfect, isn't even perfect itself. It is a stupid fucking word that somehow made it into the English dictionary and is now the cause for many troubles in many different places.

Okay, so the word perfect could be used when making the incision on a lifesaving brain surgery, but it shouldn't be incorporated with life in general.

I've met too many teenage girls, women, even boys and men, who take the word 'perfect' into account to try and improve themselves. Nobody is ever going to be perfect!

The word perfect is dangerous. It's all lies! The word should have it lies in it's description section of the dictionary. Because it does. The word 'perfect' lies.

But somehow, we all want a perfect life, but that just ain't going to happen.

"Do you think I'm stupid for forgiving them?" Perrie asks me and then takes another bite of her apple. Perrie told me all about the fight she had with the girls. They met up again a couple of weeks ago and talked about the whole ordeal. It's been about three weeks since the fight. We all witnessed it and it was quite sweet. Everything was explained out and now, with time, the girls will be back to normal in no time.

"No, I don't!" I chuckle in response, looking at the floorboards. "I think you did the right thing," I look into her blue eyes. After weeks of them being grey, they're finally blue again. Her face is still a little bruised, but before her left eye was all bruised around the outside, so was the top of her cheek bone- from where Jade hit her.

"Do you think what Louis did was stupid?" I ask.

"What he did with Eleanor?" Perrie questions and I nod. "No. What he did, is right. It's better for both of them."

"Harry's baby," I mutter, shaking my head at the idea of it. "Eleanor was having Harry's baby. I feel so bad, like, how hard would it be to miscarry a baby?"

"I presume really hard," Perrie replies. "We've never experienced it, but it would be hard, and what Louis has done, is right. He always does what's right," Perrie grumbles the last part, making me laugh.

Eleanor told Louis about the baby, and how she was pregnant to Harry. Then she informed him that she had a sixteen week scan and the baby had passed away. Louis managed to persuade Eleanor to call her mother for help, and so she will. They also decided to file for divorce. Eleanor said she couldn't bare to live with Louis again after what she did, and Louis agreed that they are better off without together. Never forgotten, but better apart.

"What about you? Apart from your bruised eye, are you okay?" I ask as my fingers play with the bobbly bits on my socks. We're both sitting under the dining room table, knees to our chests, just chatting. Don't ask why? The children are asleep (including Louis) so this seemed like a good place for me to sit.... and then Perrie joined me, which shocked me a little, considering we're not on very good terms. And yet, we're having a quite full on talk.

"Well, according to the girls, I am fucked up," Perrie tells me and I chuckle, nodding my head in agreement.

"Agreed," I reply and Perrie nudges me, a small laugh leaving her mouth. "But I do believe that once you said that I'm fucked up too, so it's a mutual personality trait."

Perrie laughs and then hands me her apple core. Right, 'cause I look like the rubbish bin. I place the apple on the floor next to me and then listen again.

"But I can't disagree," Perrie says. "Nothing has really been that great lately. Helping with Louis' sudden change, helping Eleanor, holding a secret to save Harry's butt, the gene test. I guess at some point the bomb has to go off and the ideal thoughts get destroyed. For me, the bomb was fighting with my best friends, and that kind of made everything a thousand times worse. But now, we can pick up the rubble, move through the shell shock, get on with it all," Perrie tells me and looks across, her eyes meeting mine, right before she looks away again, just staring at her knees. "No more fighting," Perrie whispers, like it should be the end of what she said before, but in reality I know it's directed at the situation between us.

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