{Zayn's POV}
In life, we make mistakes. Little or big, they are mistakes. But the word mistake itself means it was generally something misguided or wrong. And we all do it. No person can say that they haven't made a mistake, we just have to understand when mistakes are taken too far.
"Here," Perrie hands me over a takeaway coffee cup. I thank her and then we walk out of the coffee shop, heading down the path as her cold hand is cuffed in mine. "Now, I know what your reaction is going to be when we get there, but I'd prefer it if you try to keep your calm and your cool, and please understand the last thing we all need is more drama, okay?" Perrie asks me.
"Right," I nod slightly confused.
After walking for another twenty minutes we come to a street with lots of lovely homes, the street lined with trees and peaceful sounds to be heard with the soft buzz of the main city in the background.
Perrie leads me up to a light wooden front door and she knocks against the wood quite hard so the noise can be heard from the other side. As she steps back Perrie squeezes my hand lightly.
I suppose my reaction is going to be to the person on the other side of this door, but I've racked my brain and I just cannot seem to think of anyone that I will have a 'bad' reaction too? I mean, why would I react strangely to- ELEANOR!
I cough a little so I don't choke on my spit and Eleanor gives me a weak smile from where she is standing on the doorstep, her hair pulled back, jeans and a jumper and her makeup freshly done.
"E- El," I stutter out, still trying to comprehend I'm standing in front of my friend who has been AWOL for the past two months. She ran off on the seventh of January, it's now the eighteenth of March.
"Hi Zayn," Eleanor replies. "Perrie," she smiles at her and Perrie smiles back. I just follow them like a lost dog into the home as we take seats in the living room. I look around and see childhood photos of Eleanor and other family sort of things. So this must be where she grew up.
I now understand what Perrie meant by reaction. This is not what I was expecting. To see Eleanor didn't even cross my mind. Eleanor has been a no go topic since the hospital, just to keep everyone's sanity and to have no more fights and arguments.
So, I sit and listen. I listen to Perrie and Eleanor explaining things to me, like how they caught up with Danielle too, how Eleanor is feeling, how other things are happening, but one thing makes my jaw drop.
"You're pregnant!" I repeat, shock obviously radiating throughout my voice.
Eleanor nods her head slowly and Perrie looks at me as if she's trying to tell me to calm down. Eleanor is pregnant. She's having a baby. This is a bad situation. Babies are hard! Even harder for the mother.
"How far?" I ask.
"Eleven weeks," Eleanor responds. Holy fuck. So she's definitely pregnant then. I'm guessing only Perrie, Danielle and I know this though. I don't think Eleanor would've told anyone else.... except.
"Eleanor, is the baby Louis'?" I ask. You'd think Eleanor would've told Louis that he was going to be a Dad. Louis adores children, children adore Louis. The only reason I can think of that Eleanor wouldn't tell Louis, is that the baby isn't his. Which can only mean.... Oh fuck.
"Um, h- he- here," Eleanor shudders, handing Perrie the DNA test I presume. Perrie and I both look at it and a small groan escapes Perrie's lips as she sees what I have also seen. Harry of all people is going to be a father. Harry! Jade and Louis are going to go spastic.... Lord help us.
"So, you sleep unprotected with Louis for months on end, but you sleep with Harry twice and one time the condom fails and you end up being the one percent that doesn't work! How the fuck?" Perrie asks Eleanor and both Eleanor and I stifle a laugh.
Mistakes aren't normally planned. I doubt Eleanor and Harry sat down and planned to have sex. It just happened. And this baby, it wasn't planned. Much alike Ellie, Lillie and Rosie. But that doesn't mean the baby will be loved any less. No matter what happens, there will be people to support Eleanor and people who understand.
"Are you going to tell Harry?" I ask.
"I don't know. I kind of want this to stay private for just a little longer. I have an appointment next week and I guess that also gives me a little longer to plan what to say to Louis, Jade and Harry," Eleanor replies and Perrie and I both agree. "So you two promise to keep your traps shut?"
"Yes Eleanor."
{Perrie's POV}
I close the small metal gate behind Zayn and I as we start to venture back down the street for the twenty minute walk back to our car.
Eleanor is having Harry's baby. That is, really awkward and seriously mucked up, but beyond all the weirdness, it's still happening. Eleanor is still pregnant. There's no changing that happening.
As Jade's almost sister, I want to scream and kill Harry, but Harry makes her happy. As Harry's friend, I want to tell him how much of an ass he is and also be there to help if he needs. As Eleanor's friend, although I am fuming mad at all this, I still feel the need to be there for her. Having a baby isn't easy. And as Louis' best friend, him being my brother practically, I am leaning so far towards his side. This isn't easy for any of them, but I refuse to take sides.
"You don't think like, they got the test wrong do you?" Zayn speaks up and I shrug my shoulders in response. "I mean, the baby could actually be Louis'," Zayn suggests.
"No Zayn, they don't get stuff like that wrong," I reply. Zayn scoffs and I look at him shaking his head.
"Well then how did they get our's wrong?" Zayn looks at me, anger starting to fill his eyes.
"An intern typed it up, he was doing too much, we know Ellie is your's, get over it," I reply and Zayn lets out a small chuckle of disbelief.
"Right, and an intern could've typed up Eleanor's too," Zayn retaliates.
"What are you trying to say here?" I stop walking and look at Zayn, watching as he turns around to face me. "You know very well that Ellie is your child!" I whisper yell.
"Yeah, well according to you, they don't get DNA tests wrong, so what am I to believe? That Ellie is or isn't my child by blood?" Zayn snaps back. Oh he had to fucking go and start this bloody argument again.
"And there it is," I shake my head, a small laugh escaping my lips in purse anger. I cannot believe after the argument over this last year, we're seriously having this again. "Ellie is your child Zayn! You can tell from one look at her! And as for our relationship here, every time you say shit like this, it just creates another rip and more tension! Trust Zayn, you should trust me enough to believe that I would never and I mean never cheat on you!"
Zayn just sighs and turns around, starting to walk again. Oh my fucking hell! I don't even know what to bloody think anymore! I could be overreacting but I'd like to think that I'm not. Especially since this argument is a waste of time and I know the damn truth, and that is that Ellie's paternal DNA, is Zayn's.
"Hey you know," Zayn turns around and stops, looking dead into my eyes. "For all I know, Ellie could be Harry's too. Curly brown hair, slightly tanned skin, quite lanky," Zayn states.
My fist curl up and I walk right up to him and stand face to face with him, putting all my strength into not bashing him senseless. That was the reason he drives me fucking mad!
"You need to take a fucking long hard moment to yourself, better still, you can sleep in the spare room tonight, Louis can join me in the bed. Who knows, Lillie and Rosie might be his?" I shrug and then leave him standing in the middle of the footpath as I walk back to the car. He can catch a bus.

Mixed Direction
FanficFourth Book in Series. Tragic endings; beautiful starts. Millions of pieces glued to mend their hearts. Only hope, strength, trust and love can mend what has broken. Can they do it?