Chapter Thirty- Five: Variated Situation (Part One)

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Sorry about all the POV changes. Hope it makes sense though. It's a two/ possibly three part chapter.

{Perrie's POV}

Do you ever look back on your life and see how much has changed in such a short period of time? The way that things were a year ago are suddenly so different would be completely abnormal to you now. So, what if things had gone differently. What if some of the major events that have happened turned out differently to how they actually did. Where would we be then?

July, 2025

{Leigh- Anne's POV}

I shoot up in bed, my stomach churning and sweat starting to form on my forehead. My mouth feels all cracked and I can feel the vomit slowly coming up my throat and as soon as that feeling occurs I swing my legs out of the bed and sprint towards the en suite, crouching before the toilet and throwing up.

I finish throwing up, eventually, and stand up, grabbing the counter for support as my legs wobble all over the place. My head is all light and I need to blink a few times to get some support back in my body. My appearance in the mirror is tired looking but I feel a lot better now that I've got the vomit out of my system.

My hands fumble through the cupboard underneath the basin and I pull out the final pregnancy test. Vomiting is a sign of morning sickness. So are sore breasts, aching back, headaches, sweating. I think it's actually happening this time.

I take the test and rest it on the counter, pacing back and forth across the en suite just waiting for the results. I really hope it says positive. We've had so many negative ones that it would be absolutely warming and exciting to finally get a positive one.

I pick up the white stick and look in the little digitally generated box. Pregnant. The little box on the stick actually says pregnant. Meaning, I'm having a baby, we're having a baby! Oh my goodness. I have to, oh my goodness...

I leave the stick in the bathroom, wash my hands, and then venture to the stairs. As I walk halfway down them I stop when I see my gorgeous husband and beautiful son playing together in the lounge. They're building a train track for Gus to use his toy trains on and they seem to be having a great time.

Gus is the best thing that ever happened to us. The amount of joy you get from holding your baby and apart from the endless amount of sleepless nights, nappy changes, teething and all that other painful and tiring stuff, the ability to have such a beautiful gift is the best thing. That's why I'm so excited for our next baby.

"Mummy!" Gus notices me, jumping up and down. "Come play trains!" Our two- year- old yells excitedly, a bright smile spread across his face.

I walk down the stairs and across to where the trains are all spread across our lounge room floor. I sit down next to Liam and he places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Morning beautiful," Liam rubs my back and I give him a happy smile, still pondering over how I am going to tell Liam about the pregnancy. We've been trying for a while now, so it will definitely be exciting when I tell him.

"Mummy, Daddy, I see Olly taday?" Gus asks us, still playing with his trains, seemingly more concentrated on them than on us.

"Can you see Olly today? I'm sure we can go and visit Olly today," Liam replies, putting more emphasis on the word 'today' in hopes Gus might pick up that's how you say it.

Liam gets up and walks into the kitchen to make coffee, so I follow behind, thinking that this might be the perfect time to tell Liam. I'm probably five weeks pregnant based off my last period. Liam gives me a smile as he grabs out two mugs for the coffee but I put one back.

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